Strings and cables


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Not quite time yet, but figure it won't be too long since this thing is almost 2 years old.  Where do you get yours taken care of, and how much is normal cost?  Guessing I cannot use my pocket press for the limbs on this thing.  Have a gander mountain store about 30 miles away that is an authorized retailer, however when I talked with barnett about an issue with the bolt retainer they wanted me to send it directly in to them.  Not a gander mountain fan, but if they will do warranty work, would not rule out utilizing them and paying them for strings and cables when the time comes.

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  • 11 months later...

Almost a year old and nobody responded?


William, I spent a little time with my first Xbow. I had some issues where the string was being cut by some bad capture nocks. Anyways, I bought a set a string and cables for about $60. The first guy I went to, he actually took the head off the rail to change everything out. By him doing this the Xbow never shot the same again. Here comes the second Xbow. While changing to a discharge bolt, I caught the string with a broadhead. It also cut the cable slightly. This time I went to a different shop and they had an actual press for Xbows. He charged me $70 for the string and cable. Had this for on now for close to two years and it works great! Both shops were Parker dealers, but you could tell the difference between the two. 


Honestly, I would see what Barnett wants for replacing the set. Maybe send it in during the off season, since you have nobody close by. It sucks because I also did all my own work on my compound. So I know where your coming from.

Edited by LifeNRA
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With all that went on with my mother over the summer and into September the crossbow was honestly not on my mind and I never did get it in.  The gander store 30 miles from us did close even though it was not on the list of stores to be closed, glad I did not drop it off there.  

The options we have now are either a non chain shop authorized repair dealer about 45 miles from us, taking it to the bass pro at the pyramid in memphis an hour and a half away one way or sending it in to barnett.  Kinda hate the idea of going to memphis, I just don't like memphis but my wife has been really wanting to see the pyramid, so dunno.  Anywhere I take it I realize is gonna be two trips and probably be the cheapest route to just box it up and send it in to barnett.

Missed out on a great deal at wally world, they had lifetime warranted wicked ridge crossbows at about half price, down to $199.   

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Wow $199 is a steal for the Wicked Ridge. My kids are still relatively small, so the Recruit fits them perfectly. Once they get a little older and can handle a longer LOP I might upgrade to a nicer crossbow. I think I paid $240 for the compound Recruit. Having the strings replaced will cost 1/3 of what the whole deal cost me lol.

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