222 days till the opener


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Hi all,
Am just checking in.
I do read the posts regularly but don't have much to add so I don't post that often.
The countdown to the opener continues.
Soon we'll be up plowing and discing and planting our plots. And we need to get Mike's enclosed stand raised up on stilts with the loader tractor. We just set it on blocks last fall.
Always something to do that has to do with hunting.
And when there isn't there's still some venison steaks left in the freezer to remind you why you go hunting.
Cheers to all.

Edited by Ultradog
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LOL the countdown has started. Normally for me I am getting things in order for food plots and stands this time of year. I think my prep work is going to suffer quite a bit this year, and so far only been to the farm one time. My daughters softball team is in 12 tournaments over the next 4 months, so it looks like most of my prep work is going to be in August & September this year.

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LOL.  Good to see you check in Jerry.  Not sure how many days here until the Sept archery opener, it is always the 4th Saturday in Sept.  I know I need to get my crossbow in and have it worked on soon.

Might be an interesting summer here.  Lots of things changing, hardwoods that were beside us on our east side are for the most part gone and will likely be fenced pasture with cows on it this coming fall.  Gonna have to see how the deer adjust their patterns to the changes.  Have a few survivors that I got pics of that I hope will stick around and get good looks at them in the velvet stages.  I still have 2 cams out from last year I have not pulled.  

My clover plots were shot last fall, but did nothing with them.  Need some major work on the main field we hunt, planning to plant about 3 acres of beans and then in the fall clean about a third to half that for clover plots.  Also want to plant some beans in the bottom, but gonna have to dry out a LOT.  Hoping to pick up a 6 ft tiller this year, will make for much better soil prep than the old disc I have that is older than me.

Recaged all our fruit trees about 2 or 3 weeks ago to over 6 ft tall.  Afraid we lost one apple tree, either choked out or deer chewed the limbs too much where it had outgrown the cage or combination of the two, the other 8 apple trees I think are ok.  The 6 pears are looking good, should be big enough 2018 fall to give some fruit.  

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LOL on the countdown Jerry.  I haven't even considered how many days until the MO season opens on 9/15.  Lots to do till I'm concerned about a deer season countdown like...spring turkey hunting.  We'll also be planting some summer plots in MS after turkey season closes too.   I don't think too much about the countdown until after we start pulling trail cam cards in late July.

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Holy cow !!!   Lol !!!

I'm still counting down to spring gobbler season.............and it's still a good ways off...............

Gonna be a sad year, bowhunting this year.................. My tree died.  It's a Scotch pine.  Probably died of old age.  They don't last more than 50-60 years, tops.  It is the absolute PERFECT location to hunt the hottest rut spot on the Strut10 Ranch.  3 of the 6 bucks on my wall were arrowed from that tree.....................


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  • 2 months later...

Il start next week, I have a lot to catch up, haven't hunted in 2 years, been kinda heart broken from hunting, had 2 of my leases totally cut and had 4 ladder stands 5 lock ons and a 10 ft quod pod stolen, every ones tryed to get me to hunt using their stuff but it isn't the same as owning yours. But I have a new lease and have new stuff coming from sportsmans guide and am anticipating this year

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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