Ravin R10 man

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Yep, looks like fun Martin.  Time well spent.  If I can catch some better weather I will try to get my 5 year old out.  Most of where I suspect we would find anything is underwater right now, course as warm as it is here now the dadgum water moccasins are gonna be very active.  

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got out and looked for antlers, found some more old bones, looked for a bear den I know of, he asked me what will we do if there is a bear in it? I said I;m goin to feed you to the bear and run!...The look he gave me was priceless!!  when I couldnt find it he goes, "Grampa, forget about it!,  Lets' go home my legs are tired"!   lol  we came home and did some target shooting with my .22


His first shot right in the orange square!  HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!



Edited by Mathews XT Man
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