6 year olds thought process, question EVERYTHING


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Our son just turned six last Thursday, fun times and learning rapidly by questioning just about everything.  Considering he did not say his first words til he was nearly 3, he is excelling now and is reading on nearly a 5th grade level according to the special ed testing at the elementary school.  

He has been coming up with some good questions and concerns here lately.  Not too long back he expressed his concerns with us riding more than one person on our honda 4 wheeler and also said he was not old enough.  Saturday while I was working on getting our pool cleaned he read signage and says, no jumping or diving and again was concerned asking questions because he likes to jump off the deck into the water.  

Best for last, he told my wife a a while back old people worry too much, momma are you an old people.  

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One of my favorite stories was when my daughter was very young and we were in Home Depot.  The roof was leaking and there was a bucket on the floor catching the water.  She looked at the bucket and then the ceiling several times and says, "Daddy, why don't they fix the roof?  They have all the stuff to fix it here." 

You are very wise Grasshopper.

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