Saturday check in


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I missed the Friday check in so will start a new one.

Raining here - all week and continuing through the weekend. Lawn needs mowing but... I'm still working on the addition here, as I've been for nearly a year. We're adding an 18'X19' two story addition onto the house. Large master BR up stairs and another BR,  new entryway and 3/4 bath down.

I finished the exterior last fall and have been working inside since. I have the master br rocked and painted now and just started the hardwood floor last night. Then I'll get the doors in and trim it out. Doing this all alone here so it takes a bit of time.

Of course one thing always leads to another. I had to move the garage to make room for the addition and it was still in good shape so I hated to just tear it down. So I picked it up and set it on my trailer and moved it 120 miles up to my land. I will build  a new 4 car garage next summer. Hoping to get moved into the new master br this summer and the downstairs sometime this winter. Oh, and  I'm counting down to deer season. 168 days till the opener here.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Here's a few photos for you - if I can get them to load.







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Nice work Jerry, looks like it is coming along well.  

I could sure use a scaffold setup like that here.  Need to do some exterior work on the South and West ends of our house and re stain logs, don't know if my back will allow me to work off a ladder.  

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If you remember...

I fell off the garage in the photos and broke my leg - will be 2 years ago this August. Was getting it ready to move it as the first step in this project. Spent the next 10 months on crutches and it delayed this addition for a year. I've been on ladders and scaffolding, etc all my life but now am kinda scared up there. So I bought this scaffolding used on craigist and that was a Godsend. Paid $900 for it all. I will keep it untill I get the garage built and then resell it on CL. Even if I only get 50% of my $ back it will have been a bargain. Maybe an idea for you to consider.

Edited by Ultradog
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Jerry, sell it to William!   Big project you got going Jerry

Got up early and was on job a bit after 5 a.m. got half the biomass in then went to pull in trees on the right of way job, got that done at 2 pm as it started to sprinkle...only did 9 hrs today, will bank those hrs for future day off in my

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