Let's go Pens !!!!!!!!!!!


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Thanks !!

Sorry about that Sens thing...................  lol !!   Not really.....................  HAHA !!!!

Gotta give your Sens a lot of credit !!!  For a team the Pens shoulda run the table on, they put up a DANGED rough fight.  Anderson is a tough nut when he's on !!!

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How in the world the Pen's won last night....I have no idea lol. They should feel pretty good that they stole that game with such a crummy effort. The Preds are no joke this year. I would say that they lack a real super star, but everyone seems to be contributing,their D is solid, and they are a faster team than I expected. They pretty much handled the best teams in the West without much of a problem. I can see this series going back & forth until game 7.

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I will say that the Pens will likely not do well if they keep getting 12 shots a game......

That being said, the Preds looked pretty quick and have a strong D in the neutral zone.    But they looked a little shaky in their own end many times.

All the talking heads are blowing up Rinne and his skill in net.  But he ain't faced a lineup of forwards like the Pens have to this point.    They made him look awfully bad last night

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The Pens looked like a bunch of drunks last night................. They go and do that from time to time and I can NOT for the life of me figure out how or why..........

I actually turned the game off and went to bed at the second intermission.

Hope the REAL Pens show up tomorrow night

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Looks like the Preds made a series out of it. I think game 4 could be a big one. The Preds have been great at home all through the playoffs. If the Pens can steal the next game in Nashville I think they finish them off in game 5 at home. If the Preds win it's a whole new series.

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Been a Pens fan since the Lemeiux & Jagr days.  Have season tickets...............

I can NOT for the life of me understand HOW a team with the atomic bomb combination of forwards that we have, can COMPLETELY fart all over themselves in a game like game 3.  They have had a game like that in EVERY playoff series so far this year.....................  Then they come back next game and play like you'd think a team with that kind of skill would play....................

Should be an interesting one tonight !!!

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Yep.  Tomorrow night at the Bridgestone.

If you're a Nashville fan, 2-0 was a good time to stop watching the last one.................   The Preds still had a chance (in theory) at that point.

I think Game 6 is gonna be very intense and VERY chippy................. 

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I was just hoping it wouldn't go to OT on a work night.   Lol !!

Credit to the Preds.   It should never have been that close of a series.   

Your Blues have put together some pretty strong seasons lately.  I could see them getting to the final ..........    Just remember who they gotta go through to hoist Lord Stanley's Cup.........   Lol !!!

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How the Blues have managed not to win a Cup in their 50 years is beyond my comprehension lol. I've been a Blues fan since I was born. Absolutely love the game of hockey. Played a little bit off and on over the years.The first date I took my now wife on was to a Blues game. When my dad was alive him & I never really got along. He was a hard a%# and I was a knucklehead teenager. If we were watching hockey or hunting though we were like best buds. I'm 41 now, but still have fond memories of going to the old Checker Dome when I was 7 or 8 years old. I'm not embarrassed to say I'll probably cry like a little school girl if they ever win it lol. I'm proud to say that so far my kids have inherited my passion as well. Pens hockey fans are blessed. The Cardinals have won a few championships, so that helps me keep my sanity.

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When Rinne is good.................... he's REALLY good.  When he's not.................... he looks REALLY bad.

Has to be an incredible luxury for a coach to have TWO goalies in his locker room who BOTH have Stanley Cup rings.  Sadly, I am fairly certain that's about to end.  Fleury will likely be a Vegas Golden Knight next season.

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