Check in now for 7-21-17


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I know it's an early check-in again. It should be the last early check-in for a while since travel softball will be winding down and school ball will be starting up. I'm going to have to work some full weeks until hunting season. We are leaving for Branson after work tonight and won't be home until Sunday. Emma is already down there playing. We are hoping to have some time around games to visit Silver Dollar City and the Titanic Museum. We have been down that way several times, but never made it to either of those places. Looks like a whole lot of hot for the next few days that I am not looking forward to dealing with. Highs around 100 and lows in the 80's...blah.

What are your weekend plans?

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BIG BIG weekend at home this weekend.......We have  about 14 people (not including drop ins) coming to stay with us starting tomorrow by noon....I work tonight so it looks like no sleep for me tomorrow.....anyway its a fun weekend full of volleyball swimming bon fires and yes of course lots of cold ones......the weather looks good and the drinks will be cold....I am ready for a big blow out weekend after working on getting basement done for last few months.....CHEERS everyone have a great weekend....I really hope to.

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The 21st I get a shot in my knee. Every 3 months. Helps a lot. My better half is in Estes Park CO for another week so I'm batching it. Had hoped I might get up to the land this weekend but not likely now.
I hired a man to sand the hardwood floor in the new bedroom and he came today.
Nice job.
MN hunting licences go on sale 8/1.
Always something to look forward to.

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Work half a day Saturday. Going to finish the lean-to I'm building off the side of my boat shed Saturday evening and finish running the electrical line to the boat shed and install the lights.

Sunday we are spending most of the day at the lake with some friends. Swimming, maybe some fishing and BBQ.

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A lot of odds and ends I need to try to get done, but having some back issues that if they are not better may limit how much I get done.  Have beans needing to be picked in the garden, may have to send the kids out for that.  Was going to bushhog some more, but jumped a fawn in my back field so gonna hold off a couple more weeks.

Think I may drag the new 2 person stand out and assemble it, then take down the ameristep single ladder stand looking over the bottom.  Beans down there are doing pretty well, may be the best bet to tag a good buck this year.  

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Hello Lady and Gents, long time no post, I hope everyone is well and having a nice Summer.  I'm glad to see these Friday check-ins!

I left my previous job in the NICU ... gave up the helicopter and ECMO runs for an informatics position in a smaller hospital much closer to home with a M-F schedule, so the weekends mean a lot more to me now. We put our house on the market a couple months ago, been keeping busy fixing all the little things I procrastinated on over the years.

My kids are busy as ever with Summertime activities ... movie night in a barn at a local farm tonight, then finishing swim lessons tomorrow.  On Saturday I start my 43rd trip around the sun, we're planning on spending the day at a pond in the National Forest close by. Great swimming, and it's loaded with trout to boot! Then on Sun I am dropping my oldest (she's 10) off at sleepaway camp for 2 weeks, she has Type-1 diabetes and this is a big step ... more for her Mother than her I think! She just got a new bow and she signed up for archery, very excited to say the least. Hopefully Sun afternoon I'll be able to get the boat out and see if the fish are biting.

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