Lost a good spot for this year


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I have this spot that I simply go and ask landowner every year and get the one and only spot he allows for bowhunting. Well stop out there tonight and asked him and he had some new guy come in and ask for permission.  He said he hadn't heard from me yet this year so he gave this guy permission. I'm just kinda bummed bout it since I have hunted this piece of property for the last 12 years or so. This spot is one of my top spots so this is hard to stomach but he is the landowner so I respect that. I just wish he would have called me or something before allowing someone new instead. Sorry for the rant just had to get it off my chest guys

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Man, that stinks. Not much you can do about it. It's happened to quite a few of us over the years. I use to have a great about 10 minutes from my house. A friend of the family owned it, and my cousin & I hunted their for quite a few years. He started having random people coming up offering to lease it, and I guess it was too good to turn down.

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Has happened to me several times. I have one spot left and I have three stands I leave in place year round so he knows I'm there to stay. I also call every May and ask if there is anything he needs help with on the farm. He has never accepted my offer but I call anyway. Been hunting there 11 years now.

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3 hours ago, fly said:

Has happened to me several times. I have one spot left and I have three stands I leave in place year round so he knows I'm there to stay. I also call every May and ask if there is anything he needs help with on the farm. He has never accepted my offer but I call anyway. Been hunting there 11 years now.

Very good advice from Frank.  Have had a few ask here over the years and turned them down and have had just a limited few that I have let hunt.  Have never once had anyone offer to help me out in turn for permission.   Member here ladydiehard(Becky) did give us some summer sausage after the first couple times she had been here.  

If it were me, I would check in with the owner of that farm sometime during season and ask him how everything is going and if it feels right ask about next year.

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5 hours ago, wtnhunt said:

Very good advice from Frank.  Have had a few ask here over the years and turned them down and have had just a limited few that I have let hunt.  Have never once had anyone offer to help me out in turn for permission.   Member here ladydiehard(Becky) did give us some summer sausage after the first couple times she had been here.  

If it were me, I would check in with the owner of that farm sometime during season and ask him how everything is going and if it feels right ask about next year.

Good point. I have offered to help with trees blown down or other stuff. Heck I put the guys barn out several years back when it caught on fire one summer with the volunteer fire department I run on lol. I hope to get it next year again

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I can feel your pain, I lost 2 leases in the last 2 years, not that I couldn't have kept them, it was becouse they cut all the trees off. They took all my stands last year, 2 ladder stands and 3 lock ons, I'm down to 1 lease left a 168 acre one last year they cut 100 acres of it, got a call yesterday that starting next week they will be in there to finish harvesting the trees, but I'm thinking I'm not letting it go and maybe in a few years it might be ok once the trees get atleast waist high.

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On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 8:06 PM, sskybnd said:

I can feel your pain, I lost 2 leases in the last 2 years, not that I couldn't have kept them, it was becouse they cut all the trees off. They took all my stands last year, 2 ladder stands and 3 lock ons, I'm down to 1 lease left a 168 acre one last year they cut 100 acres of it, got a call yesterday that starting next week they will be in there to finish harvesting the trees, but I'm thinking I'm not letting it go and maybe in a few years it might be ok once the trees get atleast waist high.

Man that really sucks. We have a few farms around here that clear cut woods but never actually wipe them out. You said they took your stands?

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Like others here, I've lost several places over the years.  The property I used to hunt in Kansas was sold.  Same property I killed my B&C buck on in 2004.  I used to hunt a buddy's leases in Iowa whenever I drew a tag.  The tracts I used to hunt there were taken over by outfitters that wormed their way in offering more $ than he could justify...even with a few of us pitching in for the cost.  I hunted the same club here in MS for 24 years.  5 years ago a self centered, untrustworthy guy took over the lease and became dictator of that club.  I couldn't stand him so I bailed out of that place.

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19 hours ago, Rhino said:

Like others here, I've lost several places over the years.  The property I used to hunt in Kansas was sold.  Same property I killed my B&C buck on in 2004.  I used to hunt a buddy's leases in Iowa whenever I drew a tag.  The tracts I used to hunt there were taken over by outfitters that wormed their way in offering more $ than he could justify...even with a few of us pitching in for the cost.  I hunted the same club here in MS for 24 years.  5 years ago a self centered, untrustworthy guy took over the lease and became dictator of that club.  I couldn't stand him so I bailed out of that place.


Sorry to here that man... I guess we shouldn't take for granted owning land even if its not a ton

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On 8/7/2017 at 11:13 AM, ODH said:

Sorry to here that man... I guess we shouldn't take for granted owning land even if its not a ton

Hey...that's just part of how things change during your hunting years.  Losing places I used to hunt doesn't bother me too much.  I have 2 pretty good places to hunt now (in MS and MO) and I don't have to be concerned about loosing my MO hunting spot since we own the property.

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That is a bummer. The year the land I grew up hunting on got sold out to the big conglomerate farm in the area was a sad year. I now hunt a small area bordering it that we lease from a neighbor but lots of memories in the old woods. Farmer has also demolished a lot of habitat to make more field. I do have another neighbor you let me hunt last year and I made sure a few weeks ago to check in again about hunting which I got the go ahead. Definitely hard to lose land that has so many memories.

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  • 1 month later...

Just happened to me 2 weeks ago.  I probably could have just pulled up and started hunting, but I haven't been there in 3 or 4 years.   I went by (90 minute drive) and asked.. The guy didn't even remember who I was.  LOL.   That's alright, I'll likely stop by a few times this year and next year and every year because he is a decent guy with probably the best 10 acres in the state of Illinois.   Even if he never let's me hunt there again, the 5 years I did hunt there were great, so why not stop by and chew the fat, right?  This is America.

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