8-11 Get this Friday check-in going


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Another Friday is upon us. What do you have going on this weekend?

It looks like some decent August weather again this weekend for us. I'm planning on going to the farm tomorrow and get some shooting lanes trimmed and trails cut. If I have time I may move some stands around. Need to get some cameras out too. Sunday looks like a free day, which doesn't happen too often.

On a side note, my daughter hit her first ever home run yesterday at her middle school tournament. :cool: She went 7 for 11 with two triples over the tourney. It's nice to see her get rewarded for all the work she puts into it. The kid is 13......she works out 2-3 days a week, hits off a tee in the basement at least 4 days a week, and drags me to the field at least once a week to hit her pop fly's and grounders. Very proud of my little girl. Hopefully it's the first of many.

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Happy Friday! Congrats to your daughter MUDRUNNER sounds like she earned it with her dedication. My girls only have softball in the Spring so far.

 Weather in our neck of the woods has been fairly typical I think, warm days around 80° and cool nights around 50°... the 10 day looks like this pattern will continue. I just noticed a couple trees are starting to change their leaves already ...

We got free tickets, through my employers chamber of commerce membership, to the "Adventure Zone" at the local ski resort. Those tickets would've run me about $100 for all 4 kids! So we are headed over there as soon as I get out of work tonight. My good friend is having a Birthday party BBQ for his daughter and his GF's son tomorrow at a State park on a lake, so we'll spend most of the day there and probably just relax at home Sat afternoon. Sunday we are going to a another friends parents house for a visit with their family. They've retired to their camp, so it'll be a nice day at the lake again. Busy weekend, should be fun.

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Congrats to your daughter on the home run - going to be dodging rain drops and working in the shop all weekend.  Have a few pieces to get finished up for clients before hunting season gets here and a set of steak knives to start on.  Also, picked up a contract today for some pieces for the local SWAT Team so I hope to start on the design for them this weekend.

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It sounds like someone has a serious, disciplined ball player on their hands.  Congratulations.

Well, I actually have a free Saturday.  Took the next 12 days off just to relax.  I do not really have any plans except to hopefully not get caught up in the multitude of forest fires burning here in the northwest corner of the state.  Pretty much the whole state is burning.  Will be shooting the bow a little more with the scheduled opener just 3 weeks away, but with the current weather pattern there is a good chance they will delay the opening until the fire danger lessens.  Doing anything outside is like trying to breathe in the middle of a campfire, you can taste it.  Next week there is a county fair in the next county south of us and might just go and cruise the exhibits.  If the smoke clears a bit I will do a little scouting for elk, basically climb to the top of a ridge and listen for early morning bugles as mid-August they will usually start to feel their oats a little.  It's time to get loose ends and unfinished chores done before I get lost in archery season.

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I'm going to work for a couple of hours this morning. Put the final kibosh on a remodel job and then get paid. Yay!
I got new pads and rotors for the wife's Camry from Rock Auto this week so will put brakes in that this afternoon and if there's time prime some tractor parts that I sand blasted.
Tomorrow we will go to the antique tractor show in Almelund, MN then head to our friends' house for dinner.
84 days till the deer opener.

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I took yesterday off from work so I could start to move stuff out of my garage and back into the basement. We got 90% of it back in but now have a lot of sorting to do so we can store it all. Today I am back to work I also work tomorrow.....not a very exciting weekend for me.

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Just started another week of holidays. Got out last night in the boat for a fish, ended up getting 5 pike and a nice largemouth. Threw them all back. The weather was pretty unsettled here today with quite a few storms rolling through so I stayed home. Hoping to get out tomorrow and see how it goes. :)

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13 hours ago, Mathews XT Man said:

Just got back from Nipagon..great week up there, one a.m. shower kept us off the water for a bit, otherwise wind and waves dictated where we could go, and what species we could target.

Got lawn mowed after a week away,.. heading out to get bow stands ready that I did not get to before the trip....

kinda regroup, maybe catch the nascar race when it starts to rain later....got alot of wood down on the job, so this week will be 10 hr days im sure

Back to reality

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