8-18 friday check in


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Well since I most likely wont be back on here till Monday I thought I would start it this morning.......not a lot going on with me this weekend. Tonight the wife has invited some work people over for a BBQ so I am chief cook and bottle washer tonight.....I have to go home this morning and get things ready, think I am doing ribs in the smoker and some chicken on the BBQ . as for the rest of the weekend we need to start to get our basement back together so I think that will be my main job starting sat morning...I would like to sneak across to Kingston to take in some of the boats running the poker run in Kingston this weekend but I don't think its going to happen. have a good fun and safe weekend all....CHEERS!

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after flinging wood today,  prob mow lawn. Then Sat will meet Andy & Ash half way and bring bows over so they can  get dialed in before season. Prob stop in at L&M on way back....got a couple more stands to hang HSS safety ropes on, and check straps etc.  pull cards on cams at some point.  Our Doe tags went on sale, so I purchased two of those, one Fri, and one today.

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This afternoon Emma has a middle school softball game, but it's a pretty good drive & starts early so we are not going to watch. After work I plan on going home and hit the weights, then find some chunks of wild animal to throw on the grill. Tomorrow she has a one day tournament, and Sunday is her first practice of the season with her traveling team. Other than that I need to mow the yard, and start going through all my hunting gear.

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Mmmm ribs, what time is dinner Joe?:D

Not up to much today, looks pretty wet out. I'm on holidays this week. Have to work tomorrow though. Enjoying the day with my young lady today since my better half is working til 5pm. Was hoping to get out for a fish later, we will see how the weather turns out for the rest of the day. Just supposed to be thundershowers this morning and this afternoon so maybe this evening I can get out. For the weekend I don't think we have any plans. I need to get my lawn cut and trimmed, garden needs weeded terribly. Sunday we are going to head into Cabela's in Ottawa, going to see if I can get my hands on some 10 gauge shotgun shells. Just got a Remington SP-10 and it should be here by the end of next week just in time for goose season! 

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Got the grass cut, now headed to the shop for the rest of the day.  Trying to decide where we are going to head Monday to catch the eclipse.  We are just outside the band of totality by about 5 miles.  All of the hotels and motels within a 100 mile radius have been full up for a week now.  There were even posts on Craigslist looking for rooms to rent.  I know the roads will be gridlocked Monday so we are gonna head out early Monday morning and take a picnic lunch along.

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