Friday the 13th check-in


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Let's get this Friday going! Looks like a fairly laid back weekend by our standards. Probably grill some pork steaks tonight. Plan on mowing the yard tomorrow morning, which I hope will be the last time this year. Evan has his last soccer game of the fall tomorrow afternoon, and is having a few buddies stay the night for a little birthday party. Sunday Emma has softball practice with her travel team. I'm hoping I can finally make it out to the deer stand Sunday for an evening hunt. Were suppose to have near record highs on Saturday, but a nice cold front moving through early Sunday.

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Relaxing before heading to a stand this afternoon in Missouri.  Rain moving in tonight but the rain should be out of here by Sunday when the cool front moves in.  I'll relax tomorrow and get some indoor chores done, then back to hunting Sunday.  I'll hunt the cool front through Wednesday then drive home to MS Thursday for a 10 day or so break before returning to MO for what's usually good rutting action when I'll spend a lot more time in a stand than I have been.

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A lot of odds and ends catch up stuff around the house.  Had been nice temps the past couple mornings(48 this morning), but warmed up a bit more today.  Need to do some shooting and check our 11 year old out with the wife's .243 to see how far I feel comfortable letting her shoot for the youth hunt the last weekend in October.  Our fall shotgun turkey opens tomorrow, pretty sure I could whack a hen if I could sit long enough but don't know if I will even try, especially with the warmer temps.  Need to do some organizing and cleaning in my garage and make some rodent control measures.

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I'm going to work on the stairs to the second floor of the addition this weekend. They just have temporary stair treads on them now.
I had these steel diamond plate inserts laser cut a while back. Laser cutting is pretty precise. And I did some  plaster repair for a guy who owns a small machine shop so he let me use his milling machine  last Saturday to accurately mill the  stair treads  and drill and countersink the bolt holes in  the inserts
Going to get them sanded and polyed this weekend.
Here is a couple of photos of what I'm doing with the treads. I just wanted something different than your typical oak stair treads.



Edited by Ultradog
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