Iowa blackpowder deer


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So I love those hunting show where the guy shoots an "monster" and then it turns out to be NOT so big. The narrative then changes to "it's a mature deer". Well, that's my story of this buck..... he's a "mature deer".

It's been warm here in Iowa. Temps in the high 60's most everyday. Little deer movement. That doesn't deter me as I love to sit in the tree anytime possible. Went out last night and hunted 75 yards into the woods. I usually hunt the edges and food sources. This guy came into view 10 minutes before shooting hours ended. 75 yards away in the woods. I looked and didn't think much of him in the low light. He made 2 scrapes and then continued on to the right at 50 yards. I looked and passed. He then disappeared behind some brush with leaves (late fall in Iowa and lots of leaves still on the trees). He re-appeared at 12 yards to my SURPRISE smile.png I looked and thought... "bigger then I thought" smile.png He sniffed the ground as I looked at him through my 3x scope setting and then lifted his head and did the "lip curl" as he scented the wind. What a cool image in my mind.... I'll never forget that image......... than "bang", 5 minutes before shooting hours ended. I watched him bound off after the smoke cleared.

I waited in the dark for 15 minutes and looked for blood. Absolutely NONE frown.png I backed out and went home and said some prayers for a good recovery in the morning. Today I found him no more then 60yards from where he was shot. I thought that I heard a crash last night, however, I didn't want to risk it. The reason for NO BLOOD... I it him in the left lung as he was quartering to me and it exited the right abdomen, which makes sense as I was 20+ feet above him at 12 yards. All the blood stayed in the abdominal cavity.

18 inch spread, 8 point, small tines, nice long and heavy main beams. Not the biggest deer that I have shot, however, "he was a mature deer".

PS: NEVER shoot a deer where you have to drag him 300 yards up a river valley hill (unless you have lots of friends) smile.png

Good luck to all
the dog


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Nice deer.
I love reading about hunts like this.
Where I hunt in central MN it's getting to be that you don't dare leave a deer out overnight.
I shot a big doe a couple of years ago and then went and tracked her down.
She was down for the count.
Then I heard my partner shoot so I walked to his stand and we looked for any evidence for about 1 1/2 hours till it started to rain making it pretty much impossible to ever find his deer.
(He was pretty sure he had missed)
So we went to recover my doe. In the
Hour and a half I was gone the coyote had got there and was eating into my doe.
He had eaten into her in the ribs where the bullet had exited and was just getting to the backstrap. We must have chased him away when we came to recover her.
Anyway, it's always a tough call whether to go recover or to wait but with all the coyotes and some wolves we have recover has become the prudent thing to do.

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Congratulations again teammate!  Lots of rope and at least 1 buddy with an ATV or UTV makes those drags easier.  I keep 600' of rope handy for dragging with my UTV.  Takes 2 people though.  Someone has to stay with the deer to make sure it doesn't get hung up on anything during the rope drag while the other drives pulling...real slow.

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