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It's kind of strange here as the turkeys hanging around in town are gobbling and strutting around in the snow.  Over the winter the birds hang out in town where multiple people will be feeding them or out of town there are always a few who also feed over the winter.  Where I live there is several feet of snow yet (it is snowing right now) and there will not be any turkeys around until mid to late April, depending on snow melt/green-up.  Just a couple of miles away and higher on the mountain some friends of mine feed the turkeys year round and there are close to a hundred (maybe more) turkeys hanging around and some of them a really big gobblers.  They don't let anyone hunt on their property either.  The thing with feeding turkeys like that is the mess they make and even in the summer when many of them wonder far and wide there is still enough of them around those people's house that you couldn't walk across their lawn without stepping in it.  Turkey season starts April 15th here and hopefully the snow will be gone at the lower elevations by then.

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