Check this Friday in 3-23


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Friday, Friday, Friday...what's planned for the weekend? 

A whole lot of nothing on the agenda for tonight. I might grill and drink a cold Stag if the rain holds off. My wife works tomorrow so I'll be home with all the kids. I might put some weed & feed down in the yard and get the mower all tuned up for spring. By the look of things I'm only about 2 weeks away from the first grass cutting of the year. On Sunday Emma has her usual ball practice, but other than that not a lot going on.

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lol.  Once again supposed to be a wet weekend here.   Lots of odds and ends stuff.  Pretty sure the girls will head to the riding academy to work with special needs kids and a veteran on Saturday.  Have about 4-5 hours worth of fencing repair work left to do in one section that separates pastures.  Have a young momma cow that I need to move into a pasture with 4 momma cows I moved earlier this week, cutting the calves off them.  Have one cranky 1100 lb momma cow we need to catch and give shots to for foot rot, and she is notorious for not liking being caught.  Dunno how much I will fool with the animals if it is too sloppy.  Risk for accidents greatly increases when it is muddy.  Need to change the oil in our durango.  Have plenty of stuff I can work on inside if it is too wet.

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I work the rotten weekend of days this weekend. besides that not a lot going on.... temps are all over the place here with cold nights and then worming up in the day.....still have ice on the lake in front of the house but if we ever get a good west wind it should push it out. we need rain here things are very dry. have a good weekend all CHEERS!

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