Easter weekend check-in


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It's a long weekend for some people, so thought we might as well get our weekend check-in started early.

I took off work tomorrow. I plan on going to breakfast with Grandpa and a few of his buddies tomorrow morning. They go every Friday, but it's kind of turned into a tradition for me to join them on Good Friday. My wife took off too, and is taking the kids spring clothes shopping so I might join them in the afternoon. It looks like we might finally have a dry day & see a little sun tomorrow, which will be a nice change of pace. Saturday we are going to the in-laws for Easter dinner, and Sunday going to my Aunts house for brunch. It looks like rain again on both days so will most likely be indoor festivities. 

What's everyone's Easter weekend looking like?

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Our kids have been out all this week for their spring break.  Hoping my wife is able to slip away early from her work tomorrow, shame Good Friday is not given to the management at her work.  We have an easter egg hunt at our preacher's place on Saturday, looking like it is gonna be pretty wet so dunno how that is gonna go.  Church Sunday morning, nothing planned beyond that.  

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Working til 2 today, was off yesterday and Thursday due to a nasty cold, still have it but it's bearable now. Weather is going to be in the high 40s today so hopefully I'll get some stuff done outside later if I feel up to it. Other than that not too much on for this weekend. Dinner at the inlaw's tomorrow for Easter and Monday at my parents. Happy Easter everyone!

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Started my weekend Friday turkey hunting.  Had a great day killing a bird at 12:15.  I'll have to post the story in the turkey forum when I upload pics.  Scouted a different area at dawn this morning then came home for the rest of the Easter weekend.  Nothing else special planned.

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No long weekend here, but a long day............................

Up early and out to listen to the birdies singing.  Heard about 20-25 gobbling birds this morning from one place.  Sounded promising.  Then had a turkey call builder in to buy some walnut lumber.  Then a Walmart run for Momma........................some more honey-do errands around the house and yard..................then off to the tree farm and 3 hours in the Kubota clearing a field of scrap Christmas trees.

I'm pooped.

Probably up 0:dark-30 tomorrow to celebrate our Lord's resurrection on a hilltop listening, once again, to His Father's most wonderous creation...............the wild turkey.



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