Crazy weather


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It's been ridiculous here.............................

We had more spring in February !!!

6 inches of snow a week ago Monday.  70's today, tomorrow and Saturday.  Snow coming in again Tuesday.  ALWAYS cloudy...................And rain, rain, rain.....................................  We're like 8 inches of rain ahead of normal already for the year.


UGH !!!!!!!!!!


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I think we had more snow in April than we did in December here. The last three days we finally broke through with above normal temps. Suppose to be in the 70's today & tomorrow, and cold front rolling through on Sunday will have lows back into the upper 20's.

Freezing rain sucks to deal with. We've dealt with that quite a bit in the midwest. Stay safe!

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30 deg. F here in northern NY and raining. Was 39 deg. F earlier and freezing rain. Go figure. Enough sand on our roads to build a sand castle but the rain is washing it off. My tax dollars at work. Highway crews are happy with the overtime.

Drove 46 miles south this afternoon and roads were dry 10 miles south of us here. Good trip @75 MPH down the Interstate.

Snow is gone except for traces on the north side of tree lines. Was looking forward to one more snow drag race next weekend but it doesn't look like it's going to happen. Bummer, I just bought 5 gallons of race fuel at $90 per 5 gallon can. Not returnable if opened which I did to mix oil into it. No problem starting campfires this summer. Sob!

Turkey season starts in 2 weeks. Anyone ever shot a frozen turkey? I might get my chance. LOL


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The worst of it is over here now. Had a half an inch of ice on the truck yesterday morning. Came up to 36 degrees in the afternoon so most of it melted, then got another inch or two of snow overnight last night. I'm liking the look of the long range forecast! Next Tuesday they're calling for a high of 63 and sun! 

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Y'all keep all that ice and snow up there!  We are in a strange weather pattern down here.....warm, cool, warm, cool.....not record breaking cold but unseasonal for sure.  Worst part is we are getting into the typical spring pattern where it rains almost every weekend.  That puts a damper on lawn maintenance and my fishing/camping time!

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