First June check-in


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No softball this weekend, so it looks like my weekend will consist of doing stuff around the house. We may to go the Horseradish festival a few towns over tonight for some food & drink, and have a BBQ to attend on Sunday afternoon. Going to try & enjoy our last off weekend before Emma's summer softball season kicks into full swing.

What's your weekend plans?


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Have a lot of wedding aftermath stuff needing done around the yard, still have not finished cleaning up everything from last weekend.  Need to mow the yard and do some food plot prep if things dry out some but last I checked there was a chance for rain today still too.  Need to get a camera out soon too, deer been hammering our mineral site even though I have not refreshed it since last fall.   Sure would be nice to see the old busted up buck from last year that I know survived the hunting season still be around our farm, but not gonna hold my breath. 

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