Ravin R10 man

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I cant even watch any news anymore, every left winged Dem PLUS the media are beating the same EXACT FALSE TALKING POINTS!!

I think they must be getting them fed to them the eve before, word for word! Im done trying to figure them IDIOTS out

Im voting TRUMP for a 2nd term, then Pence for two more!! The Dems can go pound dirt

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Pretty well have to take the "news" commentary for what you feel its worth.  Cannot trust any of what you see on the mainstream media, sadly it is even radio that is so biased that they refuse to report accurately.  I have to admit I had the tv on a msm network for a few minutes the night of the meeting just to see how they would try to spin things and could only take a couple minutes of the garbage they were spewing and had to change the channel.  

This latest madness accusing Trump of doing wrong getting n Korea to the table for talks is total insanity.  Same geniuses that were fear mongering before the election saying Trump would get us into a war are now saying he did not get anything out of the meeting????  "What are we getting out of it", getting a denuclearized Korean peninsula is the goal, sane people will hope and pray the Trump administration is successful, the nuts are rooting against success.  The idea of war then by those nuts was their point for voting against Trump, and now they are scared of the idea of peace just because it is the Trump administration that is reaching for that goal.  And they are attempting to find a means by which to justify their views and again calling for some reason for impeachment for Trumps historic reach for peace....  Yeah, the libs and hollyweirdo elitists are really out there.  Scary that people vote for the likes of chucky and pelosi, telling about the upside down world we live in.  


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