How would you hunt this place


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Just bought a new hunting property and I’m looking for advice on how to hunt it. I’m in Afghanistan right now and will be getting home about a week before bow season starts so I don’t have the benefit of getting any scouting in. I have only seen the place through pictures and FaceTiming with my wife while she walked the place with the realtor. 

So anyway, I am trying to game plan so I can get some stands set up as soon as I get home and get ready to hunt. I’m thinking a stand between those two creeks facing the south would be a good spot, the creeks should create a nice pinch point. And maybe a blind in some of those cedars to the east of the creek facing the wood line to the west. Any advice?



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First off Thank You for your service!!

Looking at second photo, I see at about 4 'oclock you have a great clearing for a food plot. Im thinking just up and to left 11 'oclock is where creeks come together you talked about?  May be a good starting point, I'd walk the creeks and find the crossings before hanging a stand.  Not sure what direction access is and  predominate wind?  Also is there any ag fields nearby?  Let us know how things go.

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On 7/21/2018 at 8:41 AM, 3fingerstrangler said:

Thanks for the welcome. I was actually a fairly active member here during my first deployment in 2011 under the username ryan1990. Haven’t been on here since I got home from that one though and couldn’t remember my password or what email I used back then. 

This the right profile  Can send you a new password for profile to the one you are using now. 

Welcome back and thank you for serving.  

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