road trip


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Just got back from a 3 week road trip to NJ and PA visiting siblings (we're all getting old) and other relatives, which in the 9 days of driving (over 6200 miles) I have formed an opinion of the driving habits of most drivers.  Apparently the 80 mph posted speed limit on the interstates is not fast enough as Mario Andretti blood seems to flow in almost everyone.  Many drive at 100+ mph, including truckers, while tailgating and talking on their cell phones.  With the exception of Ohio, there is no police presence, and even in Ohio they seem to ignore drivers going less than 20 mph over the limit.  The use of turn signals must require more energy than most possess and dimming of headlights at night also falls into that category.  When road signs resort to pleading to try to get drivers to slow down in construction zones (obviously threats of penalties do not work) one has to ponder the mentality of the drivers on the road.  Everything is increased when passing through a large city.  Can anyone tell me what the road sign  "Both lanes merge to yield point", really means.  Then throw in miles and miles of traffic lanes closed off with no sign of any work being done and driver frustration tends to increase.  I did try to stay off the main interstates as much as possible and experience the smaller communities along the way, but even then some of the traffic was unbelievable.  It is a miracle that there are not more traffic accidents/deaths on the highways.  All in all, it was a good trip with quality time spent with family and that is what it was all about.

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14 hours ago, Strut10 said:

Shoulda stopped in and said "hi" !!

Was there a day in PA that it didn't rain while you were here ??

I had actually thought about posting before I started the trip to see if any forum members were along the route I was taking and then thought there wouldn't be time to visit.

My first stop in PA was on the 13th and that day was a beautiful sunny one and I believe that the next couple were also good there because my cousins managed to get several fields of hay cut and bailed before the rains came.  It was good to see several nice bucks hanging out on their farm along with a flock of turkeys.  They also have a big black bear that has been feeding on the huckleberry and choke cherry bushes.  There was rain in the Poconos on the 14th I know and on my way back through on the 22nd and 23rd it was raining.  On the farm they have several fields of buckwheat that were flooded and in the northwest corner of PA there was a lot of flooding along route 6.  I was told that I missed the road being closed to flooding by just about an hour or so.

In 12 days of visiting it rained 7 of those days and the ground was so saturated at my sisters house in Jersey that an apple tree fell over in the back yard.  I went on a couple of hikes and got drenched each time.  I wish I could have brought some of the rain back to Montana as we have reached extreme fire danger conditions with over 20 fires burning in the Kootenai National Forest.

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Agree, there are drivers that should not be on the road. Im in a rural setting here, but on the road in the spring with large tractors pulling huge implements. People have NO IDEA when to pass, and have seen them come around with head on traffic not that far away, or pass just when I have to swing into on coming lane to miss a mail box.

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Sounds like a fun trip! Would be a good haul to the east coast area from Montana! 

Sounds like driving here in Ontario. I'm taking my family to Toronto this weekend to take my little girl to the Toronto Zoo. Only about a 3 1/2 hour drive from here. They call the 401 the deadliest highway in Canada. Posted speed limit is only 100km/h which is too low for starters at 62mph. If you're not going 80+ you'll be run off the road. And yes optional signal use and talking on cell phones or texting, people doing their hair, reading a book etc while driving is a common sight too.

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