getting ready


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With the archery antelope opener on the 15th of this month (general archery opener on Sept. 1st) I have been practicing at 50 and 60 yards exclusively over the past week and today has been my best day shooting with 80% of my shots in a 1 inch bull at 50 yards and 50% in 1 inch at 60.  There is an occasional stray shot which would push out to 3 inches, but I think that accuracy wise I'm ready.  Then there will be the heat to deal with both just sitting in a pop-up blind and, should I manage to connect, getting the meat cooled and processed quickly.  Temperatures are forecast for the mid to upper 90s so a lot of fluids and extra ice for cooling down the meat are on my list.  I'm currently in the middle of making sure the camper is ready to roll (have an elk scouting trip on tap this week) and checking on supplies.  Then there is a last check of equipment.  Anyone else out there starting to get ready for season openers?  I know a lot of archery seasons start in October and that seems a long way off, but the time will fly by.

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