Bonus tags this year!!


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We have to get our doe permit applications in by the first week in September so I finally got around to looking at the new deer hunting regs for 2018.

I am amazed to see we can take a bonus deer this year. Cost for the second tag is 1/2 of a regular tag.

This is only the second time in nearly 50 years of hunting that we could take more than one deer in our area.

The usual here is bucks only and does by lottery

We did have hunters choice last year and the winter wasn't too bad so I figured we would have hunters choice again. But not bonus deer. Wow!

I will probably buy the second tag. One deer is enough for the two of us but we know several people who love venison and always give some away as gifts. A second deer will allow us to be more generous.

I was up bush hogging last weekend and saw this guy. Not a monster but a decent young buck for the freezer. He was with a spike with horns about 9 or 10" long. Kinda odd.

They were with a big doe and fawn and they didn't seem bothered by the tractor much. 

65 days till the opener.


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