Nature gone wrong & to the left


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Ran the cams while I was in Missouri this past weekend.  These bucks baffle me.  Not just 1 buck but 2 of them!  One appears to be fully mature, the other appears to be a 2 year old...both with the same trait.  We've never gotten any bucks on cams in the past with this trait either.  Makes me wonder if it's genetic or just mother nature playing games with my head.


I'll do another post of normal antlered bucks...for the most part anyway.

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Cool character though Al.  I would go out on a limb and say first set of pics is the daddy of the other buck.  And if that is the case, then it would most certainly be a genetic trait, probably one you would want to get rid of.

Reminds me I need to continue my research on the goofy racked big buck we had here last year in comparing to the one this year.

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  • 3 months later...

It's genetics.

Whether it's a buck or a doe, you have a deer in that area tossing that gene around.  Saw it on my place 10-12 years ago with bucks that were 22" - 24+" wide INSIDE spread at 3.5 years old.  I'm not even sure if that gene still isn't hanging around yet, sometimes.  Have a 1.5 year buck in there this year that a 4 point but in the 15" inside spread range.

Good luck getting one of those dudes !!!!

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