10-18 Friday check-in


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What's planned for the weekend?

The wife has to work tomorrow and Evan has a football game, so no hunting for me that day. It's his last regular season game of the year so football is winding down. His team is 7-1 on the year so hopefully have a few playoff games after this weekend. Emma has a softball tournament up in Peoria at the Louisville Slugger complex, but we are just sending her with a team mate this trip. Sunday the weather looks prime for deer hunting, so I'm planning on spending some time in a tree.

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Our 17 year old daughter, Nicole, has a band contest Saturday in Memphis.  Think my wife is going along on the bus, they won't get home until about 1 am Sunday morning.  I will probably get caught up on some inside chores while home with our youngest two.  Need to clean a few guns too.

Have most everything that is susceptible to freezing brought in.  Still need to figure out what I am gonna do with my 3 pt sprayer to winterize it whether I will bring it in the basement or use a little antifreeze in it.  

Will do some shooting Sunday with Allison, our 12 year old, and probably also shoot my muzzleloader.  Wife needs to shoot her accura too.  Our juvenile hut is next weekend, so I am limiting my hunting prior.  I did get out this morning and bumped several less than 10 yards from the stand I was going to hunt, so I backed out in the dark and went around and back up to a different stand.  That in mind, not sure whether I will try to hunt again before the youth hunt.  

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I am working my weekend of nights Friday sat and sunday nights. Got out to my favorite stand last night because they took the beans off the field this week.....what a show it was....at one point I had 30 yes 30 deer in front of me. 3 shooter bucks that never came close enough but wow I cant believe how our deer population  has exploded. I make for very fun sits I can tell you that....have a good weekend guys...CHEERS!

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Still working on the new garage here. I finally got the roof capped yesterday and got the house wrap (Tyvek) on the exterior.

Will install the windows and service door in it today. I still haven't gotten the wall where the overhead doors go framed in completely so will work on that too.

It's less than 2 weeks till the opener now. I've been thinking about starting my cooking for the season.

I like to make big batches of stew or chilli or casseroles, etc then freeze them before the season starts and bring them up for deer camp.

Also need to get to Fleet Farm and buy a bunch of munchies for the stand.


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Went to the stand Friday night after work, jumped 2 or 3 deer walking in, then a doe and two fawns came in about a half hour before dark. I enjoy sitting there watching them just as much as shooting! Cool having them in so close you can hear them crunching on the apples lol.

Yesterday morning Emma (3 yo) wanted to go to "Babela's", how can daddy say no to that LOL. So off to Ottawa we went. She has been asking me to come hunting but there's no way I am taking her 18 feet up in a tree with me bow hunting. So I told her that I would get a ground blind for rifle season and she could come. I got some arrows, broadheads and a couple bags of deer feed. Also picked up a 360° chair that was half price. 

It has been windy all weekend. Gusting to 30mph all day yesterday so I stayed at home. Still pretty windy today and only a high of 37° then dropping into the high 20s overnight tonight with some snow. Going to go to the stand this afternoon for a few hours. I'll have to dress warm, that NW wind is downright RAW even for this canuck LOL!

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