Wise Guy, eh!


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I'm outta here after this post. Gonna see if I can't bag me a gobbler this weekend! It'll be my first time hunting turkeys. I'll be hunting on my grandfather's land in Alabama. He hasn't seen a bird since the season started Tuesday, so I'm not expecting much. I'm looking at it as a warm-up for the Georgia season. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky. I know there are birds on the property.

Anyway, wish me luck. I'll leave you with a picture of the Three Ohio Stooges. Nice outfits guys! grin.gif


Not bad for using 'paint'.

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Re: Wise Guy, eh!

Well, I'm on my butt slow home computer so I can't see pictures, so I'm guessing I'm one of the stooges. Hopefully I'm Moe, cuz he's the disher outter of the abuse usually. It would suck to be Larry.

Anyway, if I'm one of the stooges, I hope you get skunked, and I hope you get sprayed by a skunk too, remember when that tom is strutting about 30 yards away from you, pull out your locater call and blow really hard on it.

If I'm not one of the stooges, Good luck, hope you bag one.


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