The season's over


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I spent a lot of time in the blind this year. Probably about 80 hours over the 3 weekends.

Saw a few does and fawns late afternoon on the opener. After that I saw exactly Zero deer. Not even any tracks in the fresh snow. They just disappeared!

Late in the afternoon on the last day a big doe and her fawn came through.

I had to make a quick, long, extreme quartering away shot on a moving target but I took the shot. She ran about 30 yards and dropped.

No horns to brag about and a very boring year. But it's still a lot of fun to go hunting. And...  I got some venison for the freezer.

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Congratulations on the doe Jerry.  Been a strange season here.  Not seeing anywhere near the numbers of deer we normally would see, have seen only one fawn for 3 groups of 2-3 does, afraid between predation and liberal limits our numbers are continuing to head in the wrong direction.  No deer in the freezer yet here, wife killed a mature buck with muzzleloader, but unfortunately I did not find him until 4 days later.  We do have a lot of season left yet though with our gun season having just opened last weekend.  

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Not sure where in Mn you  hunt Jerry, have had reports of a group near Ely 4 guys not see a deer in a weeks hunt. then somebody stole the generator too boot.

Im not complaining, shot 2 does in early bow season, salvaged a car kill, and got a buck in gun season. Prob. hanmg it up for this year unless some huge shooter comes in late bow season...have my doubts thats gonna happen.

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