12-7 Friday check-in


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First check-in of December. Let's hear it.

Emma turned 15 yesterday, so she is going to the movies tonight with some friends & hanging out. My Grandpa is not doing too good again and his health is starting to fail, so I'm going to visit him tonight and spend some time with him. Tomorrow morning my youngest, Tyson has hockey & we might do a little Christmas shopping after that. Sunday Emma has her softball team Christmas party & Evan has his football banquet. Another busy weekend.


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Not much today. Just got back from a little drive with the dogs to one of the local lakes. Would like to do some ice fishing this winter so I was doing a little scouting. It was -8 this morning so I imagine most of the lakes to have 6-8" of ice. Maybe next weekend I'll give it a shot. 

Have a birthday party for my buddy's daughter who is one of my daughters friends too this afternoon. Santa claus parade is tomorrow in town. Other than that not up to too much. May get out for a bow hunt in the morning if it's not too cold.

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Worked EVERY day of our firearms season...……….  Haven't counted it exactly, but I'm on about Day 30 of 50-some straight.   Started at the tree farm 2 Saturdays before Thanksgiving and between that and the crap-brown truck, I've had exactly 1/2 of one Sunday off since.  My next day off is Christmas day.

This working for a living is WAAAAAAAAAAY over-rated...………..



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Sorry to hear that about your grandfather Tim.  Happy Birthday to your daughter. 

I had planned to get out hunting as much as possible for the weekend and try to kill a decent buck to get a cape for Catrina, and put some meat in the freezer.  Been a tough year here.  Weather here for this weekend has been miserable, freezing rain sleet, and wind chills with the 10-14 mph n to nne wind in the 20's and teens.

Had a calf come up with pneumonia Thursday morning, thought the little guy was a goner when I was on my way taking the kids to school.  Been trying to save him, got him eating hay and standing, think we are on the right track but still a guarded prognosis with this wicked weather.  

Sooo, this afternoon I get in a hang on stand I never killed a deer from about 2 pm, conditions were so miserable I was soaked and getting cold and ready to get down.  At about 4 a buck is looking at me about 100 yards away, wind is in my face and he is out in front of me.  Past his ears and thick neck, no idea how he picked up on me, but then again I am in a stand I had set for archery and there is NO cover left.  Anyway, will have to tell that story in the deer room later........

I was going to go hunting in the morning tomorrow, but think I will hold off for the afternoon.  I need to take care of some other priorities.  

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