12/14 Check In

Ravin R10 man

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machine in shop all week, computer board went bad, in turn took out CDI box. At this time CDI not come , so I got a few mystery leaks solved pulled 18 oil samples , and total grease job on entire machine. fixed a light on boom, exhaust manifold gasket replaced.

took a vacation day Thurs. went ice fishing

today cleaned off bunk, tightened all bunk bolts, replaced a bad grease line.

more ice fishing Sat., also have to pull my HSS Lifelines down and loosen stands/straps etc.


Edited by Mathews XT Man
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I passed the framing inspection on the garage yesterday. I wasn't worried about it but am still glad.

It's supposed to be in the high 30s this weekend so I will work on the wiring. Electrical code now requires at least two circuits in a new garage. One for outlets, one for lighting. Easy stuff. I'll call for that inspection maybe Monday or Tuesday.

My wife and I are going to our annual "traveling feast" tonight. Hors d'oeuvres at one house, dinner in parts at two other homes and finally dessert at a 4th place. It's always fun to go.

We're thinking about hosting one part of it next year.


Edited by Ultradog
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Working tomorrow...…………………...again.

Good news is, I get his Sunday off.  Be my first day off since about the second weekend in November.

Since I had to work every day of our firearms deer season, my daughter got gypped outta her whole season too.  So I bought her a flintlock online.  It came today !!!   Sunday will be a range day to get the gun on paper and Pickle used to shooting a flint-n-steel smokepole.   Can't wait to get out in the woods with her !!!!

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working tonight but hope to get off early to catch the first boat home and get in a little hunt....I start vacation in the morning till the 30th cant wait to be off   I am so snake bitten in the stand this year seeing deer all over but nothing close. hope that changes this week... anyway guys I don't get on here much at home so I hope you and yours all have a great Christmas....CHEERS

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Hunted yesterday and this morning, only saw does.  Had been a big bodied mature buck around my trail cams a few times but has been nocturnal.  Need some hard freezing weather to get them feeding or on their feet during daylight.   

Have a church program this evening, will be watching my girls performances there.  

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