Any spring 2019 hunts planned yet ??


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Time is getting close for the southern boys and gals to go huntin' !!!

Anyone have plans for out of state hunts this spring ??  

Was hoping to get my daughter into some Nebraska Merriam's this spring.  But it's looking like school obligations are gonna foil those plans. Possibly do another Wyoming/Nebraska combo with my brother again...……….or some other trip by the seat of our pants...…….or just stay home and hunt a couple weeks.  Dunno yet. 

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Dunno about anything extra yet.  Season opens early here (March 15th) so that's where I'll kick off the 1st of my game plans.  Then, depending on the weather and timing of bagging birds (3 gobbler limit here), hunt off and on until around April 10th before taking a short break before hitting the road north.  I'll head to Missouri a couple of days before their 4/15 opener to hunt the first 3 or 4 days of their season for bird no. 1.  Then return to MO sometime toward the middle of the 2nd week to go for bird no. 2 (I hope).  We can only kill 1 out of our 2 bird limit in MO during the first week of their 3 week season.

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I'll probably just get after them here in the northwest corner of Montana.  Three very snowy winters along with wet cold springs have reduced the local turkey population considerably.  There are people who feed them year round and that seems to be where they are concentrated and you can't hunt there.  Hopefully by the end of April the snow will have retreated up the mountains and the birds will wander some.  At least that's my hope.

When it comes to turkeys, I find it hard to justify paying the nonresident license and tag fees.  I had considered an Idaho (a short drive away) turkey hunt but at $97.75 for the license and another $80.00 for a turkey tag I had to pass.

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