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Just thought I would see what everyones fletching preference is.....

Right Helical

Left Helical


Straight OffSet

I personally like Straight Offset 4 degree's using 4"AAE Elite Plastifletch....

I got into a discussion with a buddy of mine today, about Right and Left Helical, He was in belief of the OLD MYTH that if you are right handed you had to use Right Helical and if you are left handed you had to use Left Helical....I snickered at him and told him that this was not the case and Left Helical accomplished one thing that Right Helical would not do,,,,,he turned and asked yeah and what's that ???

I told him that the Left Helical was good for unscrewing the piont from the insert.... grin.gifgrin.gif, for some reason he didn't seem to amused with that comment..... grin.gif I'm not sure I convinced him or not I told him to go home and investigate it on the internet,,,,I still haven't heard a peep from him... grin.gifgrin.gif

So lets hear your preferences and thought's on Right and Left Helical Fletching...

Remember guys and gals these are individual opinions and thoughts.....just becuase ones prefers something different doesn't make it wrong...I just would like to see and hear what other like and don't like.... smile.gifsmile.gif

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What guys no input on the Helical Myth ???...LOL

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I believe helical is just that..a myth. An extreme helical fletch is just a crutch for an ill tuned bow. A well tuned bow will shoot any BH, that is squared to the shaft, and wobble free, with an offset fletch.

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I like fixin stuff though LOL

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Now here's someone I think loves to try different combo's just to see if they work or not.....I like it, just like a tinker toy.... smile.gifsmile.gif

I for one think that a true full Helical is over rated, but hey I'm new at this Archery Stuff and could be wrong.....

Here's another question tho,,,I was told that you couldn't and shouldn't shoot a helical fletch threw a biskit rest, is there any truth to this or is this info full of smoke ??????

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Easy solution to that one Luke....Get rid of the biskit!!!! shocked.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

jusk joking! grin.gif

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Now you know that's not going to happen....... tongue.gifgrin.gif Unless this thing starts to tear off too many fletchings, and with the amount of shooting in warm weather we will see....but until then I love the thought of my arrow staying on the rest, even on let down situations..... smile.gifsmile.gif

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I have not tried them but I am actually thinking about them though. Of course they have to be used with a drop-away style rest. I thought about it for awhile now...what about these aspects???:

Zero Resistance of fletching on pass throughs(they POP-OFF), Less wind resistance from crosswinds, and they can be put on by someone without a fletching jig!

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They may look goofy thats true...but if that nock pops off you have the spot marked to start the bloodtrail..thats what its all about right there man!!!

P.S. Probably wouldnt want to shoot alot of 3-D with them either...unless you have a case of them for spares....LOL...But hey...how hard would it be to pop a new one on during the walk back to the line???

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Check Out Archery Talk....the "Never have to fletch an arrow again" post.

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surprisingly almost everyone had positive things to say about this. I only read the first page and a half though...lol.

Here is a link to the thread on AT.

starrflight review on AT

Just not sure I could get past the looks ,,lol. I thought the 2" blazer vanes were funny looking on an arrow. This has them beat by a mile.

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