Memorial Weekend check-in


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We are off Monday for the holiday, so have a long weekend. Not a whole lot planned though. The high school softball team lost their regional game Wednesday night, so school ball is done for the year. Tournament season starts next weekend so no softball this weekend. I need to mow tomorrow if the yard dries up & will probably have to go to the inlaws to help pack & clean for their move. We had about another 3" of rain this week so it's muddy everywhere. Farmers are way behind schedule. Sunday my sister is having a holiday party/BBQ. The pool is open & it's been warming up gradually so the kids are anxious to swim. Monday is hopefully just a stay at home & relax day.

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My son and granddaughter are coming for the long weekend and we will be doing some gun safety/handling training as the granddaughter has started to express an interest in going hunting this fall.  She had previously shown little if any interest.  We'll see if we can get in a hike if the weather cooperates.  I would also like to see if I can get them to attend the local VFW ceremony on Monday.

It has been a trying week as I had a brother-in-law pass away Tuesday.  He was an ex-Marine and a heck of a nice guy.  He took his afternoon nap and never woke up.  Then my older brother ended up in the hospital and is in ICU with complications of congestive heart failure.

So, Memorial Day will have a little more of a special meaning this year.

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Said goodbye to my last work place yesterday and rolled my 2000lbs toolbox out of there. Took it to the new job this morning. Was welcomed by everyone there and they made me feel at home and I haven't even started yet! Actually really looking forward to Monday. The boss told me today I'll be going on the road with one of the other guys to do some work on some bigger boats on the St Lawrence. 35-60 footers I'm assuming. Should be interesting! 

Wet day today, supposed to be around 70 with sun tomorrow so it will be a better day to be outside.

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Sorry to hear about your brother in law Dave.  Hope your brother recovers.  Prayers on the way.  

Our kids last day of school was Tuesday.  We took off Thursday morning early and went to Santa Claus Indiana to Holiday World, spent Thursday doing the water park rides, then Friday to the rest of the park and came back home. 

Mowed the yard earlier today and drove t posts for our tomato plants.  Gone from wet and muddy here to hot and dry.  Did a little prep stuff to get ready to get the old liner out of our pool, will try to get it drained the rest of the way tomorrow and get the old liner out.  

Catrina has to work Monday, so no special plans. 

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so far, Breylen helped me set up a tent, so we will be outside next two eve., then we went to Hayward and did the Go Carts and  Breylen put me in the pickers after I passed him wide, he just dunn did an "Earnhardt" on me the little bugger!! Then mini Golf, Breylen (61)beat his Mom(68) and Me (63) I had the only Hole In One.

Cook out tonight and then smores by fire pit..FUN FUN FUN!

Edited by Mathews XT Man
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