Friday check-in


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Needed a Friday check-in.  It's Flag day.  Are you flying yours?

Heading out to the Olympic Peninsula tomorrow morning.  Plan is to explore the Hoh and Quinault Rain Forests next week.  Will take one day to visit Victoria BC via a ferry ride across the Strait of Juan de Fuca, with a focus on Butchart Gardens and maybe a stop at the Butterfly Gardens.  My daughter is driving up from Missoula today to make the trip with me.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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Behind on my prep for food plots.  Sprayed one plot with a burndown mix of glyphosate and 2 4 d, have another to spray still.  Might hit the other plot this afternoon.   

Turn 50 tomorrow, don't really have any plans.  Guessing Christina will bring our granddaughter to visit at some point.  

Have plenty to do around here to keep me busy.  Yard work needs done, have several sycamores popping up along the driveway I need to cut down with a saw.  Need to spray this invasive spiny amaranth crap that is popping up in my pastures with a special 2 4 d(pasture pro), not sure if I am gonna broadcast or spot spray.  Have a boston butt to cook on the smoker at some point, soaking it in a brine solution right now, was going to make tater salad to go with it. 

Funny how on mothers day weekend we pamper the mom's and they relax.  Usually on fathers day I am cooking and usually have plenty that has to be worked on.  Noticed our cows are covered up in flys, need to worm them again, might try to do that Saturday while I have some help.  

Have one camera out I might try and check.  

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Had yesterday off and went to a neighbors birthday\retirement party now back to work today. not much else going on except watching the lake level come up every day higher and higher. hope to get off early tonight to get home for a early fathers day dinner for dad....his first since mom has gone. 

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Haven't done too much this weekend. Made two trips to Cabelas in Ottawa yesterday. Wanted to get lower scope rings for my new Savage Axis Stainless .223 Rem. Got mediums and the scope was hitting the rail, had to go back and get high ones. Remounted my Bushnell AR223 4.5-18×40 on it. Never did get around to shooting it today to readjust it. Also picked up a range finder, just a Simmons that was on for $129. 

Today we came to my parents here, having a BBQ for fathers day. Back to work tomorrow. 

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