Summer check in


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It’s been a few weeks since I have been able to do a Friday check in thread. Been at the new job for a couple of weeks and was in Sandusky OH for a softball tournament last weekend so been pretty busy. Supposed to be a ball tournament this weekend too, but right now everything is postponed because of rain. If tomorrow rains out I’ll go to my Grandpas house in the afternoon. They are auctioning his house so would like to be there for that. Other than that not much going on. 

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I’m on vacation for a week. The Canadian trapshooting championship is this week coming up from Wednesday to Sunday at my gun club. I’ll be volunteering at the shoot Wednesday to Friday and I’m going to shoot Saturday and Sunday. My wife also works in the club office as a cashier and entering and the scores so is going to be a busy week but a fun week.

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Just got back from the Olympic Peninsula and Victoria BC and I'll have to post some pictures once I get them sorted out.  Saturday the plan is to get a couple more trail cameras up in the mountains and change the SD card on the one already out.  Sunday will be a lawn mowing day and then maybe some fishing in the afternoon.  For the first day of summer we have a winter storm advisory, although I think rain and wind is all I''ll see here.

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I haven't posted here in a while. Have been real busy with work and stuff around the house. I'm going to be working on the soffit and fascia on the new garage this weekend. Have the siding on order so that will be my next project. The building permit states all work must be done within a year and I'll be pushing that date pretty hard.

About 40 days till the 2019 hunting regs are published and we'll know what our tag limits are - whether it's bucks only,  does by lottery only, hunters choice, etc, etc and 138 days till the rifle opener.

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Catrina has to work this weekend.  No real plans here, probably try to spend a little time in the pool at some point.  Had some pretty rough storms last night.  Yard work needs done if it dries out enough.  Still have some spots in my pastures I need to spray where pigweed is popping up.  Boy I buy my hay from is hauling hay for me for fuel cost, have a load coming this afternoon to unload and put up in the barn.  

Our annual handbook here usually comes out the end of July, will be interesting to see changes for this season.  Already have new regs for cwd zones published online, suspect they might be expanded.  

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