Last June check in


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You know the drill.

planning to mow after work tonight so that’s out of the way for the weekend. I will probably grill something too. This was supposed to our off weekend from softball, but Emma got asked to fill in with her old team so she’ll be playing tomorrow and Sunday now. We also have a family reunion to go to tomorrow if we can sneak away for a few hours. Summer is here so it’s going to be a hot one.



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Ok, been a busy week as usual, on road by 4:30 and on job at 5 to pull trucks if they get stuck. Mowed a bit a couple diff. eves between showers. Up to 19 Pidgeons I dusted with .22 Hornet at 100 yrds off the silos since March. May go fishing Sat. local JD/Polaris dealer has a used equipment auction..I see a set of used set of tracks for a polaris Ranger there.

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This month seems to have gone by really fast.  Not much happening this week besides the usual lawn care chores.  We have been getting a lot of rain (some pretty impressive thunder storms) and the temperatures have been running 20 degrees below normal so the lawn is growing an inch or two every day.

With the archery season ten weeks away I need to start shooting the bow more, and moose season (still can not believe I drew a tag) opening the very next week there is planning to do.  Need to spend more time (if that's possible) hiking the mountains.  I will start adding weight to my pack incrementally and with any luck my back will not give out.  Most of the planning will be centered around getting the meat out when/if I get a moose on the ground.

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Long weekend for us up here, Canada Day is in Monday. Not sure were June has gone! Flew by for me too. Really busy at work with the new job, sure makes the day go by fast. Have to work 9-5 tomorrow unfortunately, but at least it's time and a half. Going to borrow a boat from work and head up to the lake for the rest of the weekend with the family to enjoy some R and R. Really looking forward to it! 

Someone sure turned the heat on! Pushing 90 the past few days. Today we had a cold front roll in with some storms and downpours. Temp went from 86 to 68 in about 10 minutes, it was crazy! 3 houses in Ottawa went up in flames due to lightning. 

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Breakfast with the fellers earlier this morning...………….boy's ballgame in a couple hours.   Have the loader tractor down here from the farm and may accomplish some of the things I need to do with it.  May not.  Calling for storms here today (big freakin' surprise, there) so I may just sit on the porch swing with a cold one or more.  Taking all the young uns to dinner tonight...…………….even if they ain't all young anymore...……….at a real nice, local Italian place.  Looking forward to a real nice evening. 

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This afternoon, me and boy took a quad ride.

We were on a reconnaissance mission checking on a HUGE patch of blackberries we found a month or so ago when they were in blossom. We took 2 large lidded margarine tubs with us to snag a few black raspberries out the fencerow behind the house. Well...……………..ends up the blackberries are weeks from being anywhere near ripe. But amongst them were GOBS of ripe black raspberries !!! We filled both our tubs in under 30 minutes.

Shoulda taken a scrub bucket.

Tomorrow's another day........................


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Painted my chest green Saturday and ran through the city streets punching and stomping stuff while yelling Hulk Smash. Then I let a greased pig loose in the piggy wiggly store and attempted to catch it. Planning to end the month sleeping here in this jail cell.

Actually what I really did was so boring I had to come up with something else.

Next week will be better though... Headed to Rocky Mountain National Park on Friday for some mountain hiking, boating, and wildlife watching!

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On 6/29/2019 at 8:42 PM, Strut10 said:

Now, WHY most of that last post is barred in gray...……………… ???

You tell me...…………….

Highlight option.  That being said, I do not see the option in the tabs with a pc using chrome.  

On tractor pretty well all day Saturday in the heat.  After prepping the ground put in soybeans on Saturday ahead of forecast rain pretty well every day, two plots just shy of 200 lbs of seed, broadcast and pulled a drag over them.  Of course it has not rained a drop since. Go figure, had been pretty wet here.  Will post a thread later in the land and management room. 

Yardwork Sunday afternoon.  Got in the pool for about an hour, was not very refreshing.  Sprayed part of horse pasture with 2 4d to try to kill off some of the Ieafy weeds. Heat index was still over 100 at 6pm when we caught a couple cows to treat for foot rot.   

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