7-12 Friday check in


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Moving to Federal Sale, Sooo, started cleaning tracks on processor and dozer at 6 a.m. Got processor done by 9 a.m., You cant have ANY dirt on equipment coming into Federal Forest. Got dozer done by noon. Still have Forwarder to do...Monday a.m.  Then Forester does an inspection, if it is clean we can start killin trees. Deer flies were bad, I'm a pint low now


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Gonna spend more time in the mountains (if that's possible), but mostly early morning jaunts as afternoon temperatures are climbing into the upper 80s and low 90s.  With the higher temps and decreased rain fall the lawn needs mowing less often.  Still need to work on getting firewood if I plan on burning the wood stove come winter.  Also have a fly fishing excursion in the works, which is something I haven't done in a while.

3 hours ago, Mathews XT Man said:

Deer flies were bad, I'm a pint low now

I second that.  Between the deer flies and the mosquitoes a transfusion maybe needed.

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Was a pretty busy weekend here.  Wife and kids took off Friday to middle Tn to church camp.  Stayed home and took care of yard work, animals, and other stuff around the house Friday afternoon.  After tilling and doing some weeding in the garden Saturday morning took off and met the family just in time to catch the Saturday sermon.  Stayed until about 4:30, had to come back home to take care of our dogs.  Got up this morning and got on the tractor and took care of some other stuff around the yard 

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