the future


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Should maybe be in with political posts, but not much activity there (or here).

I'm not sure how many are aware of the current gun control push.  There are two pieces of legislation that have passed the U.S. House of Representatives and are now before the Senate, H.R. 8 and H.R. 112.  Personally, I do not believe that the Senate will pass these bills, and if they do, the White House has indicated a veto would occur.  These two legislative actions are a sign of what is to come should the liberal, progressive left gain control of the Senate and White House in 2020.  Unfortunately, the future does not look promising for gun owners as our government continues its efforts to control the people and the liberal majority is too blind to see it (or maybe they want to be controlled).

I've said it before and I'll say it again:  If you are a gun owner and not a member of the NRA (or NAGR or both) do not complain when the confiscation begins.  We'll see how many have their cold, dead fingers pried off their firearms.

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Tennessee passed legislation after Sandy Hook that said they would not comply with ANY federal confiscations or bans.  Further if I understand that legislation correctly they would also not enforce as in state and local law enforcement would go against any attempts at federal enforcement of such.  The legislation you speak of, if passed, may well precipitate the beginning of a second civil war in this country.  Feds are outnumbered, how many soldiers are hard core enough for Uncle Sam to turn on their families. Scary stuff.

With all that being said I have been giving serious consideration to this very topic and hope it would never come to it. 


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2 hours ago, Ultradog said:

I think we will be like the New Zealanders.

There is no doubt in my mind that most gun owners would not voluntarily turn in their firearms, but that would not stop confiscation.  Registration is the first step and the ATF already has hundreds of millions of files on firearm purchases, and although not an official "registry", it is certainly a first step.  Confiscation will be piecemeal at first (New York state is currently doing just that) and in the end only the true outlaws will be armed.  The loss of our rights as citizens has accelerated with each passing year and shows no signs of slowing down.  It is amazing to think of all who gave their lives for the freedoms we have and to think that perhaps many more shall perish in the fight to keep those rights.  The truly sad thing is that many feel that surrendering those rights will bring about a "safe and secure" existence.

5 hours ago, wtnhunt said:

Feds are outnumbered, how many soldiers are hard core enough for Uncle Sam to turn on their families. Scary stuff. 

It happened during the Civil War when family members took opposing sides.  Some are easily brainwashed and some are just fools.  The question is:  Which ones are the fools?  We'll know if registration leads to confiscation which leads to genocide, but by then it will be too late.  Silence those who do not think like you seems to be the mantra of the left.  It seems everything has a beginning and an end, and I just hope this isn't the beginning of the end.

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8 hours ago, elkoholic said:

We'll know if registration leads to confiscation which leads to genocide, but by then it will be too late. 

Scary stuff for sure.  Imagine in such an event there would be an increased state of theft of firearms from owners.  Then too you have to wonder about how many with thousands or tens of thousands of dollars worth of firearms are going to just willingly hand any or all of them over.  The what if scenario's get pretty ugly very quickly especially when looking at the tech that our govt has.  Are feds gonna show up in black suv's at every gun owner who does not voluntarily handover their weapons?  Will our gov't issue warrants for every home?  They already have the ability to watch you or me or anyone in our homes and hit it with a drone.  Takes the human interaction away from the mix, but still who is gonna sit in a control room and remotely send the signal to a drone to kill families.  At what point would an uprising within the gov't take place?  

8 hours ago, elkoholic said:

Silence those who do not think like you seems to be the mantra of the left. 

Yep.  Then scream racism or hate.  Or whatever they can scream to grab the attention to their cause all the while demonizing those who inject common sense who do not agree with them.  I really do not understand what is taking place in this country with the pc nonsense and the sensitivity issues, but I know the direction we are headed is dangerous.  Why are so many falling into the liberal mindset and blindly following these ideas of the left?  When presidential candidates are apologizing not for his actions but for being a white man, what really is going on?  The goal of the radical left seems pretty clear to me, what I don't get is how intelligent people are letting themselves be duped.

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I'm sure everyone is aware of the "red flag laws" that are being pushed through the House that has the support of many Republicans.  These laws are endorsed by White House advisors and would surely be enforced by AG William Barr, who is a well known anti-gun supporter.  At least a dozen states already have such laws and they are being enforced.  The shooting death of a Maryland man by police doing a confiscation raid should be a wake up call.

Do not think that it can not happen to you.  Confiscation has more than one avenue to take and if just one person is upset with you (justified or not) a complaint can put you in the bullseye.

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