Trail cam bucks


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2 hours ago, fly said:

I hope that changes soon William. If you have the does you’ll have some bucks come November.

Yep, a few does around, but bucks around the cam have been very limited.  Hopefully just a summer lull.  Best here so far has been another goofy buck that has just a beam and a brow on his right side and at least 4 on the left, figured he was at least 3.5.  Had two 8 pointers I knew made it through, one was really nice, the other was the little 8 my youngest daughter did not shoot when she had an opportunity.  That younger 8 was around our place very regular last fall so stumped as to why he has not made a showing this summer.    

I need to get a couple more cameras out.  

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  • 5 weeks later...

Still nothing here to really get me motivated.  Last pull with 2 weeks from the mineral site had a measly 65 pics, all does and fawns.  Did get a cam on the edge of what will eventually become a scrapeline, might pull that card Monday.  Gonna try to get a camera over the beans in the bottom this weekend if I can get to spraying those beans.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been busy making trails and hanging stands so the woods are full of my scent, and noise. I also walked the property with a forest ranger - placing it in a forest plan for the next 10 years to lower taxes 90% and manage for a (potential) future timber harvest. There doesn't appear to have been a timber harvest in at least the past 20 years (the place is loaded with mature black walnut and oak). We estimated about 30-40K for a timber harvest in 10 years. I''m sure all the activity has spooked a lot of the big deer away. Haven't got those bucks on cam in the last card pull. Plus one of my older Moltries went dead. I bought 2 new panoramic cameras and placed them along with my 5th stand last week. My 1/2 acre food plot is in and off to a great start. I knew all that activity would not be good but the trails wont appear on their own. My hopes are that the food plot draws in the does and by me staying out for the next 3 weeks the does will stay and bring those bucks back in. Then again the turnips might bring in a buck or two come December.

The primary trails are all in and now - I just need to create some connectors but that will be after hunting season ends.

I must say I am very excited for this season. I'll be loving every minute even if I don't see a mature buck the entire season.


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Well well well, pulled cards from the 2 cameras I have out this morning and after a months disappearance looks like we have a few bucks back around.  I think Allison's little 8 from last year she didn't shoot has made his first cam appearance this year too making his way by 2 cameras on 3 different days.  He grew just a little, like I told her he would and he will be the buck I want to try to get her on this fall.

Hopefully those you had pics of will be back around and the right one shows up in front of you at the right time Frank.

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If they were there Frank, they're still somewhere close.  As the woods settle down, they should be back.

Just got back from Missouri.  Haven't hunted yet.  We were way behind finishing getting some stands ready.  After I edit some cam cards, I'll post some pics.  Initial cam run suggest we are down a bit on good mature bucks but we did get 10 nice ones from 8 cams running.  

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