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Re: Wierd?

msm, is on the right track.

Last year, my buddy and I were coming out of the woods from roosting turkeys. We walked into a huge field and there were deer about 400 yards away. We watched them for a while and then decided to see how close we could get to them before they would spook.

We made it to 100 yards before they started acting spooky. One big doe started the whole head bob and stomp routine. Well my buddy had a white hanky and I told him to take it out and wave it back and forth a bit. He did and the deer calmed down. We actually met the deer almost in th middle before they realized we weren't really deer. There were around 20 deer in that field and 12 of them broke off and walked to us.

It's amazing how the color white will cause deer to calm down and trick them into a false sense of security.

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Re: Wierd?

msm, is on the right track.

Last year, my buddy and I were coming out of the woods from roosting turkeys. We walked into a huge field and there were deer about 400 yards away. We watched them for a while and then decided to see how close we could get to them before they would spook.

We made it to 100 yards before they started acting spooky. One big doe started the whole head bob and stomp routine. Well my buddy had a white hanky and I told him to take it out and wave it back and forth a bit. He did and the deer calmed down. We actually met the deer almost in th middle before they realized we weren't really deer. There were around 20 deer in that field and 12 of them broke off and walked to us.

It's amazing how the color white will cause deer to calm down and trick them into a false sense of security.

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Re: Wierd?

Have fawns started dropping yet? Maybe there was a youngn nearby. I know when we were driving the tractor, they kinda kept the distance. But when it stopped, they were alert as can be. They know when we are after them or just out walking thru.

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Re: Wierd?

Deer are very curious animals and it depends oh what kind of mood there in at the time. I have had deer see me sitting at the base of a tree before and had 1 nearly step on me. I also had one put her nose about 12 inches from my face before she figured out that I was not right and jumped back 50 yards.

It's alot of fun having wildlife get that close to you.

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Re: Wierd?

i'd guess they thought your white t-shirt was a white-tail.

last year my son and i walked within 5o or 60 yards of about 9 deer, 4 to the left of us and 5 to the right. as we walked i carried my mckenzie target and we both crouched down below it. the deer weren't concerned at all until the 5 on the right got downwind of us, then they trotted off. that was pretty cool.

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Re: Wierd?

Like My brother in law says "If you wanna see a lot of deer, leave the cammo home, stomp through brush, and talk as loud as you can." He has a point. Deer have that natural sense of fear. If they feel they are being stalked they will run but if they aren't worried they will investigate. They really are as curious as a cat, just much better tasting.... grin.gif

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