835/fed. flightcontrol pic


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Guest gfourhunter

Re: 835/fed. flightcontrol pic

thats a good pattern. show us some pics of 30 and 40 yards. im using the new fed flightcontrol turkey loads this year. i always did use winchester h.v 3.5 inch #4, 2 oz. this year i found a new winner. fed 2 oz 3 inch #5.

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Re: 835/fed. flightcontrol pic

With all do respect, every wad I have ever shot, no matter how close the distance, has never penetrated the paper or cardboard, as it will bounce off whatever the target is attached to. I have always found my wads close to targets too, but even if they do make it to the target, they are not going to put a hole in it. I am shooting Nitro Co. 3.5" ammo which is the hardest kicking shell I have ever shot, and I am yet to put one of those through paper.

Plain & Simple, that is just a great pattern at 25 yards, almost as good as the Nitro/Rhino produces,and I'd like to see some at further distances too.

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