Hearing protection


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I have used the same Silencio Magnum shooting muffs for the past several decades and have no complaints as they work just fine.  The trick for me is to make sure they are sitting over my ears properly.  On occasion, I will also use the cheap foam earplugs along with the muffs and an example would be when I'm shooting the Taurus Raging Bull 454 Casull with its ported barrel (that thing is loud!).  I do not use any hearing protection when hunting with the exception of gopher (Colombian  ground squirrel) hunting when using a short barreled 223 and the possibility of multiple shots, and then I use a behind the ear model of Walkers Game Ear, which muffles loud sounds while allowing me to hear normal sounds.

  On 8/15/2019 at 11:57 PM, Mathews XT Man said:

just use a pair of shooting muffs, years of farming (Oliver Ear),...have taken it's toll here, trying to save what I have left


Growing up on a farm I think I hear that.  That brings up the question:  Does everyone use hearing protection when working with loud machinery?  I know the Game Ear (and anything similar) is a good option when working around equipment as they tone down the loud noises yet allow one to hear normal conversation (warning yells) and if not using the muff variety are a lot cooler to wear.

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I assume this is for target practice? If so I guess what ever you are comfortable with. I use a good pair of ear muffs that I keep in my puckup for work.

As for hunting with ear plugs/muffs on, I cant imagine doing that. I hunted in  the woods for many years and shot more deer after first hearing them  than seeing them.

I suppose if you hunt in open country that would be different.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have always been pretty diligent about hearing protection. I used to wear muffs when shooting but find them to be to hot durning the summer. Last year I had a custom molded ear plugs made and they work really well. They fit in my ears nice and work really good for shooting all day and are really comfortable. Still wear muffs during winter shooting as they keep my ears warm.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • 4 months later...

One professional and premium quality hearing protection earmuffs that are easy to access in the market today is the Decibel Defense Professional Safety Earmuff. It is highly rated, providing proof of just how good it is. I find it comfortable for use on both industrial uses and shooting while keeping your hearing protected.


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