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I hope everything is ok MCH.


Im still hunting and shot a doe last weekend.  We have some some does still left to shoot on my farm.  I have a few buddies that will be helping me with that.

   I also have my urban buck tag left so I can hunt until January 31st on certain farms.  We moved box blinds around  to overlook some late season plots there.  The smallest plot is 2 acres of standing beans.  The middle plot is 2.5 acres of beans and .5 acres of turnips.  The largest plot of 1.5 acres of beans and 3 acres of turnips and winter wheat.  Now we just need some deer to show up that are mature and not busted up.  When pulling cameras today, two of our mature deer have knocked entire sides off their heads.  One is down to the main beam and the other is snapped off above the brow.  Time will tell on these farms.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you guys haven’t checked out the DeerCast app by Drury I would highly recommend it.  I’ve used it for the last two years and I’m a believer in the indicator for movement.  While nothing is foolproof, this gives an incredible amount of information that is useful for making educated decision about when and where to hunt.


As for hunting, I’m kicking off my late season effort to fill my urban buck tag tonight.  That season runs through January 31st so plenty of time left for me.  

ODH- if you can fill a doe tag, I have a buck in mind that may put us over the top.  Fingers crossed.



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I actually have had this app for a couple years now too (the free version), I like the app and the videos, I think as far as the accuracy of the DeerCast is concerned, it’s all dependent upon how good your spots are I’ve sat in the same spots with good wind on days it says good and poor and have seen nothing or had good sightings and visa versa, I still like it though and like watching the Drurys.

Do you ever watch Bill Winke and the guys on Midwest Whitetail? Jared Mills, Mike and Owen? If you haven’t seen their daily blogs you’re missing out, I’ve been watching them for years and they keep getting better, this year some phenomenal deer were taken and the amount of knowledge is great.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Tonight was my first time back out since last week.  I had great movement all evening just not the right buck came out.  I Might give it a shot tomorrow night with a snow storm blowing in about 7 PM.  We also have some pretty cold temps moving in next week so I’m sure I will log some stand time.  I have u til the 31st so fingers crossed something shows up!



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I hunted a different blind last night to change things up.  This one sits over a few acres of standing beans cut into a CRP field.  I saw fantastic movement all evening, but never had a shooter come out.  

I’m starting to doubt whether anything will make an appearance before January 31st.  Cams aren’t showing anything and usually deer would have moved in by now.  We had some decent weather blow in last night that bought a few inches of snow and the temps will really fall this evening and stay cool for a couple days.  Either way, I’ll continue to hunt and see what happens!



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