People are nutty ~ toilet paper shortage

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Dunno for sure if it has started here yet Lewis, but saw the scrap in Australia over crapper paper on the news yesterday where a woman had a cart full and the shelves were empty.  Guess another woman tried to take a package from her cart and led to a throwdown.

I was in Walmart last Friday and overheard the manager talking with someone else about their church buying up bulk quantities of bottled water.  Water I could understand tp not so much. 

Will be interesting to see next time I get to the store though since there are now confirmed cases of the Coronavirus in both Memphis and Nashville and we are between the two.  Imagine milk and bread will be hard to come by.

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MSM lead's stupid.  Wash your hands, don't touch your face and avoid contact with sick people....nothing different or should be nothing different than every day life.  COVID-19 doesn't give you the shits so I don't understand the toilet paper frenzy either.

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People buying paper dust masks is another somewhat comical side of this.  They do no good but stores are selling out of them. 

Yep msm has a way of running with inaccurate "news", and deliberately misleading folks that may not know any better or who take what they say as factual.  

Hopefully the doctors and CDC are right that this virus will act in the same way as others and will die out with the heat and humidity coming with spring. 

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University of TN booted students off campus at all locations, gave just 3 days notice.  Had to go load up all the stuff from our 18 year olds dorm room yesterday. She is going to have to do her courses online.  There are NO confirmed cases in the county that school is in.

Honestly more concerned with the kids at the middle and elementary schools.  Hearing those aged kids seem to be tolerating the virus better than adults, but still think the schools should shut down before kids start spreading it, because once one gets it it will spread like a wildfire.

Closest cases confirmed here are in Memphis and Nashville areas.  Only a matter of time before they test folks here that have it already.  

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Runs on soap and typical cleaning supplies, did these geniuses that stockpiled not wash their hands and/or clean up after themselves before this virus?

Eggs and milk don't get it, neither freeze nor do they have any shelf life.  Our local Walmart did have plenty of milk but had signage limiting customers to one gallon.  We have kids and go through 2-3 gallons a week, not feasible to make extra trips in the store and increase exposure risk.

Cereal and canned goods were still scarce here.  Was plenty of fresh meats.

Toilet paper still hard to come by last week.

At some point some of those same geniuses out of work will max out their credit and the stores should recover.

The hysteria and stupidity seem to go along with the self serving imo. Unfortunately no shortage of either around here.

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I’m on day 12 of self isolation so I haven’t been out to any stores so not sure what’s going on there. 
I personally think that Facebook should be shut down in this time of crisis. I deleted my account a year ago. What I have been told is there is so much hype lies and foolishness being posted on there that it is causing a lot of the hysteria and stupidity. 

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