COVID-19 - Impact


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2 hours ago, The Bug House said:

The amount of people who have fled the NYC area is alarming to say the least. There has been a growing sense of resentment and it is very tense out there to say the least.

Saw an interview last week where a guy in the ozarks was complaining about folks from New York showing up there.  So much for Cuomo's orders for his own.  


2 hours ago, The Bug House said:

Governor has cracked down on non essential businesses after issuing several orders

Supposedly people here were nearly back to pre covid19 level activity.  Governor here just signed a new order today prohibiting all non essential travel.  Amazes me how with all the death some people are still not taking this seriously.  

I am a little nervous about exposure.  I had a wedge resection of the upper lobe of my left lung in 03.  On carvedilol and lisinopril, have read articles that said lisinopril and other bp meds may increase risk, has to do with ace2.  My last cardiology visit in January the doctor said we would likely be talking surgery next year, actually had planned on changing doctors prior to this covid19 starting up.  Have moderate to severe aortic stenosis of a severely calcified bicuspid aortic valve, and have a dilated aortic root. Knowing if the need were to arise sooner the resources at local hospitals could be tied up is a bit concerning too.  


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Not much to update on. Finding toilet paper is a little easier now. The Department of Natural Resources sent a memo that all hunting in the closed parks is prohibited and that those with park specific permits will not be issued a refund and that the permits can not be transferred.

Taking this time to fix up my house and get it ready for the market. Planning to move to a larger house soon. Not sure how severe of an impact this virus will have on selling my house.

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2 minutes ago, fly said:

Not sure how severe of an impact this virus will have on selling my house.

While rates are gonna be great, suspect it may be a very bad time to try to sell.  Honestly thinking a housing market crash is on the horizon and may be some deals to be had.  It may seem wrong, but Catrina and I have talked some about trying to pick up a rental or two in the future.  

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As of yesterday the death toll in TN was at 72, with over 400 hospitalizations.  Over 4000 confirmed positives.  There were 13 positives in our county and 47 in the county to our south where the nearest large hospital and majority of physicians in this area are located.   

Expected peak here will be in the next 2 weeks.  An article I read said the ihme has made some adjustments to their speculations on the fatalities in the state with significantly lower numbers than they put out early on.  

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17 minutes ago, fly said:

Death Toll in IL is lower than projected. IL is expected to lift the stay at home order on April 30th.

That would seem to be some good news.  Seems to be some controversy in the news the past few days on how fatalities are being counted whether comorbidities are being labeled as the cause of death or if coronavirus is being to blame or being listed as a related death.  

Tennessee crossed the 100 coronavirus related deaths mark on Friday or Saturday, over 5000 confirmed positives now, 21 positives in our county but no fatalities.  Have not heard anything to suggest any changes to our governors last statewide order.  Imagine our schools will remain closed for this school year.  

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I work for a small community bank and I have been busy the past week reserving and funding these small business PPP loans.  We've funded over 2.5 million in loans so far.  The logistics and difficulty of navigating the SBA's system was tough to overcome, but I'm glad to see it benefiting our area.


We only have 3 confirmed cases in our county.  Oklahoma is behind the curve for the moment but rapidly catching up.


We have an area that is similar to the Ozarks and we're steadily getting vacationers from Texas, Arkansas and even Louisiana.

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well?.....guess what?.. It dunn caught up with us too now!.....seems mills are not letting out contracts for now, because of the shutdown. It all grinded to a hault.  No use cutting wood when you dont have a market to hual to.  Just hope y'all got stocked up on T.P.  will be a bit before we send anything to the mills.

Good News is:

  My Turkey season starts WED!!! 

 I got lawn work to do....

.can get boat ready for summer...

got ice tents to clean and put up 

wheelers and lawn mower to change oil...

got time to look for sheds...

can always get the guns out and makes some NOISE!!!!

spring field work aint far off, Farm will be callin soon...

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Well well well, I think I already told you guys that our trout season that was supposed to open April 1 is shut down till at least may 1, but I don’t think it will open then either. And guess what , we can’t even go shoot guns. All of the private indoor and even the provincial outside rifle ranges are closed down to the public. We are pretty much on a unlock down. 

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Official word came out yesterday that our school district would not be back in the classrooms for the remainder of this school year.  

Number of positives locally is not climbing at a fast rate however a coworker of our son in-law tested positive on Monday.  We had just been to visit them Sunday for our granddaughters first birthday.  

Wife went to Walmart yesterday, said not much change in what's on the shelves.  

Evidently according to the health dept in the county just to the south of us a fair percentage of those testing positive in this area had "no known exposure".  

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Getting my list shorter from above post.

First 78 yr.old died in our county here..still only 3 positive cases reported..well down to 2 now. ...

people are starting to get antsy...  now that stimulus money is getting deposited, many are going out to spend it! kwik trip is real busy..sales are almost at normal level in store wife works at.

The DUMBEST thing is..LOTTO tickets!! and thats ALL they come in for!! JEEPERS!!! STAY HOME!

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Yep, seems social distancing here has gone out the window people out spending their cares checks rather than paying their bills.  Hope I am wrong, but afraid a rebound in spiking numbers is only a matter of time away due to carelessness and stupidity.  Up to 31 confirmed cases in our county.  

Lots of sorry people, parking lots and carts being littered with latex gloves.  Folks are showing their true colors. 

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It’s crazy here in Canada too. The government is handing out a $2000 a month relief check for for months. A lot of the ones getting them are the lazy and welfare bums who don’t work anyway. What ya think they will spend it on , I know , booze , weed and lotto tickets. It also said in the news that some stores want to open but the workers don’t want to come back to work because they are making more staying at home by getting the $2000, I guess they don’t stop and think , that payday will run out in four months. There are a few around where I live that have 5-6 kids and don’t work, well the government just gave them all a big hike in the monthly child checks. I personally know one woman who has 9 kids and that’s just why, she has never worked but gets a huge monthly check from the government for those 9 kids. 
I’m probably sounding like a ignorant jerk but it does pee ya off when you work your guts out and the lame and  the lazy are provided for. 

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Luckily the shooter was about 5 hour drive from me. No one knows what drove him, the news is saying that he had two old police cruisers, one that he redid himself to make it look official and he had a replica uniform. I’m  thinking that he has had this rampage on his mind for a while. They shot him dead so no one will ever know. 

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Seems like the numbers here are pretty well staying steady or even still rising, not declining.  Had our first fatality in our county show up in the report today with no details.  Statewide there were 9 deaths since yesterday and 450 new confirmed cases.  More testing facilities to open soon.  Still broad discrepancies in numbers with the state ".gov" site lagging behind.  Unfortunately with some of the big jumps in numbers early on with nursing home residents being taken, think there is a false sense of this thing going flat.

Heard something pretty ignorant last night on the local news about the opening of restaurants and social distancing and occupancy rules to limit to 50 percent occupancy.  Report suggested that people continue to wear their masks while at dining establishments which seemed well stupid.  Right, wear a mask in a sit down eating place ummm how you supposed to eat while wearing that mask???? 


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Here in IL the numbers of new cases have been about the same for the past couple weeks. I expect to see a decline over the next week or two.

I've been keeping busy working from home (teaching online) and getting my house ready to sell. We put it on the market Friday and will send an offer on a new house this AM.

A friend of mine (nurse) traveled to New York to get the big money and work with COVID patients. I believe he gets close to 10K for 3 weeks work work. Tough work though - he works something like 20 of the 21 days.

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My daughter is a nurse , she works at our local hospital. There is a nursing home in the city of Halifax that has over 400 residents. So far in that home , 8 have died, over a 100 residents and 44 staff have the virus. They asked my daughter to come work there to help out. Even though the pay would be double what she gets now she wanted to go to help. Her mom and I talked her out of it , we told her she is already a hero in our eyes and there is too much risk there. 

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Governor opening things up here despite hospitalizations, confirmed cases, and deaths still being on the rise.  Will be over ten thousand confirmed positives here with this afternoon's report.  Closing in on a thousand hospitalizations.

Thought the plan for reopening said there had to be declining numbers for 14 consecutive days, Tennessee according to the numbers that the state is supplying the public has not met that criteria.

The group of homes Catrina works for is paying lpn's $30 an hour and rn's $40 and all expenses to go to their Detroit area homes.  Not even close to being worth it in my opinion.  She had one that went with the understanding that she will not be able to return to work here until she has had a negative test. Of course those taking up the calls to help elsewhere potentially leave their coworkers having to pick up extra to cover their absence, possibly causing other issues.

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Well, the Governor in IL extended the stay at home order with a few changes. non-essential surgeries get the green light which means Beth will not have to work the COVID floor.

so far the COVID cases peaked on April 24th and is gradually declining the past few days. My house was listed yesterday evening  and I've got a contingent contract on a new house.  Had a showing this AM. Hoping for a quick sale.

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Good luck selling the house and getting things closed up on the new place Frank.

Biggest single day increase in TN since this started with 1156 new confirmed positives.  Leading up to today the day to day new cases were outnumbering the recovered number by a large margin 2 to 3 times.  Todays new confirmed positives are 5 times the number of those recovered.  Hospitalizations continue to be increasing.  Does not appear that TN has reached its peak yet.    

Had a sams club early hours click n pull pick up and had to go to tractor supply.  Some people were not following social distancing guidelines at either place.  

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Yes, Good Luck frank, hope that goes well for you.!

Well, Wife has not yet brought it home from Kwik Trip. They are sanitizing as much as possible etc. Hands after every customer... 

Had 5 days off due to rain, went to my Chyro., and got my lower back adjusted, wow did I need that! back out in fields today, now raining here again.

Fishing season opens here Sat., may get out if we get enough rain to shut field work down.

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