too decrepit


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I unfortunately am reaching a point where my back has deteriorated enough to affect the ability to walk and at times, retain my balance.  In that my main hunting style has been covering ground in the mountains here in Montana, the time is approaching when I will not be able to do that.  Although I will be out elk hunting Labor Day weekend, the question in my mind is the ability to do so and the wisdom of doing so.  Also of concern is the task of recovering the animal should I be lucky enough to tag one.  The people that I work with have all offered their assistance should I get an elk on the ground, but with the warm temperatures during September they may not be able to get there before spoilage becomes an issue.  One of the techs has suggested a few hunting "dates", but I'm not sure how her hubby would feel about that.  I do know she can pack an elk quarter for miles as she has taken elk the past two years.  At any rate most. if not all, of my hunting will be solo and I believe I can.  I will probably do more deer hunting during archery season than ever before as it requires less mountain hiking and easier game retrieval.  The ladder stand I have set up will not get used as I do not feel stable enough to be 20 feet up on a small platform even with the safety line.

So, I am looking at this as possibly the last year I run (I can no longer run) the mountains for elk and still hunt for deer.  My orthopedic surgeon says I am looking at a 5 level and possibly a 7 level (T12 to S1) fusion to regain the disk spacing and take the pressure off the nerve roots that enervate the legs.  With recovery time being somewhere between 12 and 18 months, and no real guarantee, this might be my last year I get be where few hunters and hikers ever go.

I know some of you have reached "old fart" status and I hope you aren't incapacitated in any way by age(genetics) or injury.

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Sorry to hear that Dave!  I too have had back issues, specifically Spinal Stenosis. My T-3 nearly closed up and cut off my nerve. standing for a minute was extremely painful. I do know some of what you are dealing with. Hopefully you can regain some time with surgery, but that is never fool proof either, as anything can happen working with nerves etc. Mine went well, but requires not lifting more than 40 lbs.  You will need help with packing out and not risking further injury. There are good people out there who will help. Good Luck

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7 hours ago, elkoholic said:

The pain I can deal with most days (I do not take any pain meds) but the loss of ability to do what I love is demoralizing.

Think I have had 4 times I was unable to walk due to the injury to my back that happened when I was about 20 when I was working at ups.  Only have an issue with my l2 and l3, at least that I know of now. No doubt when the legs won't do what you want them to it is frustrating, the ladder fall that I had when working on this house had me unable to walk without help for more than a week.  Back then our neighbor, a very good chiropractor, helped me a lot.  

Our family dr gave me a prn script last year for diclofenac.  I admit I take it at times but do still have more than two thirds of the bottle that was filled last year. I have taken it before going to sit in a stand a few times to make it more tolerable to be able to sit and take at times before going to bed when the discomfort is bad enough.  

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I'm 30, but my body feels much much older just due to life circumstances and health history. Not going to lie, it's hard hiking buttes out west. Have to stop and take several breaks. However, that's been normal for me, and if I'm hunting alone I can pace myself and work it towards my advantage. I think Dan (Wyohunter) used to have a signature line that read, "the older I get, the slower I hunt. The slower I hunt, the better I hunt. The better I hunt, the more I owe my taxidermist..." ? I find that to be more true than not.

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52 minutes ago, Dakota said:

I'm 30, but my body feels much much older just due to life circumstances and health history. 

Sure with what you have been through it would make for feeling older Dakota.  Had to be a lot of stress on all your systems through your struggles with your heart.

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On 8/21/2020 at 2:28 PM, wtnhunt said:

Sure with what you have been through it would make for feeling older Dakota.  Had to be a lot of stress on all your systems through your struggles with your heart.

Yeah, for sure. Had to relearn how to walk and I still have to lock my right leg when I walk most of the time. Blockages in both legs, permanently weaker lungs due to the crash in 2015. Numbness and neuropathy in a lot of my lower extremities. I'll die doing what I love and will most certainly not regret it. lol

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On 8/23/2020 at 12:09 PM, Dakota said:

Yeah, for sure. Had to relearn how to walk and I still have to lock my right leg when I walk most of the time. Blockages in both legs, permanently weaker lungs due to the crash in 2015. Numbness and neuropathy in a lot of my lower extremities. I'll die doing what I love and will most certainly not regret it. lol

Dakota, you are the man.  One tough guy and an inspiration.

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On 8/23/2020 at 1:09 PM, Dakota said:

I'll die doing what I love

A growing concern here is with elevated hunting and the likelihood of a fall.  If I were to die in the stand then fall, so be it.  However I don't want to pass out and fall and end up paralyzed or hung by a lifeline unconscious.  Getting to the point that I am finding even with raising slow that having more and more frequency of crashing into the closest piece of furniture after standing from sitting, bending over to tie my shoes, or pulling my boots on.  I know it is only going to get worse until it's time.  Meanwhile gotta keep on living. 




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  • 1 month later...

Sorry to hear that Dave! I know where you're coming from with the back pain. I hurt myself from falling down the stairs when I was maybe 10 years old. Hit my back on a ledge when I landed and I have had issues since. My profession doesn't help either. I was off from Labour day weekend until yesterday when I returned for work. No idea what I did, but my back was screwed! I am as stubborn as a mule when it comes to getting help from chiropractors, doctors, etc. I broke down and reached out to the chiropractor. He did X-rays on me and turns out I have some arthritis in my lower back. Can't remember what joints or disks, but belt line and slightly below on the left side, and also my sciatic nerve bothers me too. Could barely take my son to daycare which is only a couple miles from here. Was quite the process to get out of the truck! My work place is about 45 miles from here, no way I would be able to drive there at the time! Let alone work when I get there.

I started out my career in automotive as a mechanic from 2005 to 2013, then switched to marine and powersports, now strictly marine. Some of the positions I have to fold my 6'3" frame into to reach things is pretty mind boggling. The rest of my body is as strong as an ox, but my lower back makes up for it. I wouldn't think twice to unbox a brand new Bravo III outdrive which weighs about 175lbs and lift it out of the box myself and throw it on the cart to install on the boat. Did a set of head gaskets on a 8.2L big block during the summer, exhaust manifolds weigh 180lbs a side. Didn't think twice about manhandling them myself.

I sure do now though! I second guess every move I make, have slowed down quite a bit, started asking for a lift when needed etc. I have to, if not I'll cripple myself. I'm only 33 years old but feel like a 80 year old sometimes!  I try my best not to take pain meds. I'm on enough meds for other things that aren't good for my kidneys. But lately in the morning I'll take two Robax Platinum, really knocks the edge off. The past couple days have been rough at work for the first hour or so after the drive in, but loosen up pretty good and can get through the day with bearable pain. 

Another thing that really helps the pain is cannabis products. I have never been a drug user in my life. But now I put some cannabis infused coconut oil in a cup of coffee almost every night, within an hour I'm pretty well pain free and can sleep like a baby. It's not enough to get overly "high", sure you can feel a little bit of it, but the body relaxes and the pain goes away with the CBD. Cannabis is totally legalized now in Canada. We can grow up to 4 plants per household. Which I decided to try this year so I can make my own ointments and consumables for my pain.

Wow this turned into a long post, sorry about that! LOL. Best of luck Dave, hopefully you can find some relief and still be able to live your life. Good luck this hunting season!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to hear your deteriorating back issues may keep you from running the mountains after this year.  Although I've only had back issues once I understand the balance issues you're talking about.  At 66 years old now (67 in a few months) I'm not where you are yet but I've been wondering how many more seasons I have left to spring turkey hunt the way I prefer hunting.  My preferred turkey hunting style is run and gun (I can't run though either).  Covering ground and using tactical maneuvering to get in position to work a turkey is a lot more fun to me than taking a position to call from and hope to coax a bird in.  Similar tactics to your elk hunting Dave except elk are a lot faster when they're on the move.  The last few years though I haven't been able to cover ground on foot like I used to.  I'm not incapacitated in any way by age yet but I sure am slower.  It's simply like the old saying goes...I'm not as good as I once was but I'm as good once as I ever was".

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