They grow up quick


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We went to another wrestling tournement today. This time is was just LittleNut participating.(TE was sick and is taking a break to concentrate on Track). LN has finally started to take the wrestling serious and wants the mat time to improve for next year. He is going up against others that are way above his current skill level and is holding is own.

Well in his final match he was put in a getting pinned situation with one arm behind his back. He held on til end of period. But his shoulder was hurting bad. I know it was bad by his look. I told his coach to end it to save it for another day. However Martin did not want to stop. So we had him move the arm and shoulder around to check on movement. The determination he had on his face was something that has never appeared before. So I relented for him and was also ready to run onmat just in case,

Well he actually won the next period with some great wrestling and heart.

However he was too far behind on points to win. He ended up in 4th place which is not bad considering he was on B team during the regular season.

I am proud that Martin is showing some determination and effort in something. It shows to me that he is maturing at last. cool.gif


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Re: They grow up quick

My hat is off to your son Nut. I'll tell ya...I wish I had determination channeled in the right direction when I was that age. I was determined to be a rebel and nothing more.

Way to go son and that kind of determination will carry over into other things in your life as you get older too.

(Way to go Dad wink.gif)

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Re: They grow up quick

let me tell you guys---there is not a tougher sport than wrestling. I started wrestling in 2nd grade and continued until I graduated from HS. Both my brothers wrestled NCAA Div 1---a tough sport! Congrats to your son Nut! One tough sport--the stories I could tell about the crap i did to my body to make weight!

good luck


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