I know it's over the top...


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I got a little carried away with my new deer blind.  Almost afraid to show it here. Especially since some of you don't like all the technology and prefer hunting the old way.

But I finished it yesterday. 8'x8' All super insulated, carpeted - for sound and additional insulation. It will have electricity to it - like the old one. For heat, coffee pot, cell phone charging and a microwave on the shelf above the bunk. 

I built it here at home, on my trailer, with mostly free, cheap and used stuff l got off Craigslist. Still have quite a bit in it though. Will transport it up to the hunting land next week.  

For me, a big part of hunting is to be able to just sit and do absolutely nothing. No nagging thoughts about things to be done - paint that bedroom, quarterly taxes, laundry, clean the garage, fix the tractor, handrail to the basement, etc, etc. Just sit there.  And hey, maybe a deer will come out and I'll get some venison out of the deal.

So I built a cool little buulding where I can sit, maybe with my wife, or a friend and do nothing.

It's nice, if I say so myself and it was fun to build. So even if it's not how you folks would hunt I hope you'll all approve.

45 days till the opener here.




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For some reason it wouldn't let me edit but I wanted to mention:

I have some camo netting to use as curtains. The type you can shoot an arrow through. I learned with the old blind that I need curtains or the deer can see you inside. That netting is up at the property and I'll install it when I get the blind up there.

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On 9/23/2020 at 5:21 AM, Ultradog said:

No nagging thoughts about things to be done

How do you stop those thoughts?  I have more than a few lost/blown opportunities due to not being focused when I'm still-hunting as my mind wanders from the task at hand and sitting on stand it is even easier to drift off.

While not my cup of tea, I must say you did an outstanding job building it.  The shoot through curtains are an excellent finishing touch and the deer should have enough time to get used to it.  Enjoy your time there and hopefully a big buck comes by.

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I didn't mention that I screwed it up.

Max width you can legally haul on the highways is 102". Any wider and you need an over dimension permit.

Somehow it ended up being about 105 1/2" at the eves. Ugh.

I strapped it down tonight and hooked the PU to the trailer and tomorrow morning gonna just go with it.

If it doesn't go well I'll post the story after I make bail.

Wish me luck.

Thanks for all the nice comments 

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See trucks here pulling hay 11 ft wide on trailers, bales 5.5 ft wide each x2.  Imagine as long as you are driving safe, have it safely tied down, and hazards on you should be ok.  Just don't go doing like this guy https://www.thedrive.com/news/36567/chevy-silverado-driver-busted-towing-70-foot-mobile-home-on-rural-missouri-highway

Noticed you have an outlet above the shelf, you have power to the blind location?  Coffee pot ready.

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On 9/27/2020 at 12:57 PM, Mathews XT Man said:


Didn't want to go there.  Besides, I have room for a recliner or two.

I have to think there are times when one is allowed the simple pleasures in life.

4 hours ago, Ultradog said:

Max width you can legally haul on the highways is 102". Any wider and you need an over dimension permit.

Somehow it ended up being about 105 1/2" at the eves. Ugh.

Not sure anyone would measure across the eves and then bother with such a small discrepancy.  Just one question;  How are you going to get it off the trailer? 

Hope you make it okay and post a picture when you have it in place.

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WOW! That is cool! Reminds me of some of the shacks we build up here to drag out on the lakes and rivers in the winter up here for ice fishing. I was just telling the wife that I'd like to build a little blind and elevate it maybe 6 or 8 feet off the ground our so, with a set of stairs and a railing, so I can take the kids with me, or if it's raining, snowing and blowing, super cold, etc. 

The treestand I built with my father in law a few years ago has a fairly big platform, nice ladder going up, but no railings or anything. At 18 feet up, I'm just not comfortable taking my 5 year old up there just yet. I'd be more pre-occupied keeping an eye on her than hunting lol.

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Mike and I got my deer blind installed.
Hauled it up to the land yesterday and unloaded it off the trailer.
Used short pieces of 3/4" pipe and rolled it off. Used both the tractor and the pickup as a dead man to come-along it into place.
Kind of scary doing it as it sits on a very narrow promontory about 15' above the old gravel pit floor.
One mistake and it would have rolled over the side. It is very stable out there now though.
I will go back up in a few days and get the electrics hooked up to it. I broke the 3/4" pvc conduit where it comes up out of the ground. Won't be hard to fix but I didn't have the conduit to do it so we came home.
I also took the chainsaw and cut open a better shooting lane on one side.
Rifle opener is 1 month from tomorrow. Hoping I'm not too late to get it in there.





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Looks good and the whole area is pretty as a picture.

15 hours ago, Mathews XT Man said:

If it was me, I may have poured a slab or footings.

I second that thought.

15 hours ago, Mathews XT Man said:

Gotta give ya a little campfire poke Dave...all in good fun ey?

Growing up with the friends and family I had, a thick skin was a necessity.  All the ribbing and mental jousting that took place was all in good fun and that's how I see life.  I don't take myself too seriously and poking fun is really what being a friend is all about.

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Looks great!  Nothing wrong with being as comfortable as possible while enjoying doing nothing.  Looks like a great peaceful setting to let your mind rest...until some venison interrupts your rest.  Looks like most of your deer drags will be pretty easy too...another bonus. ?

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