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Checking in guys.  Looking forward to sharing deer tales with y'all.  I've been pretty busy lately.  I'm building a house in north Mississippi to move close to my son's family now that I have a grandson.  Lots of decisions to make.  Shouldn't cut much into my hunting time though since it won't be completed until the end of March.  Season opens in MS Oct. 1st.  Season opened in Missouri Sept. 15th but I haven't had a chance to hunt yet.

Been running cams in Mississippi and so far I've gotten a few mature bucks but nothing really big yet.  Saw a big 8 that hasn't stepped in front of a cam yet.  As for Missouri...well I set 5 cams there during our late July/early August trip and haven't had an opportunity to check them yet.  Fortunately, all my stands in MO are ready to hunt.  I plan to drive to Missouri either Wednesday or Thursday and bowhunt for a week or so.  Then on my way back I'll have to spend an extra day or so in the Memphis, TN area picking out flooring, etc.

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Rhino, you sound like me.  We're in the process of building a commercial cabin up North.  Between that and my two daily jobs, hunting may be a little stressed this year.


I did manage to get out this weekend for two morning hunts.  Had three does offer shots but I hunted a spot that was a mile back on public land so I didn't feel like dragging a doe that far. LOL


Good luck to everyone this weekend.

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Just got home from Memphis.  Good news is I had to delay my drive from Missouri to Memphis Tuesday morning because I had to make a trip to the taxidermist before I headed to Memphis.  My last afternoon hunt in Missouri was a charm.  Bagged an 18' spread, mature 10 point at 6:45 Monday afternoon.  I'll post pics in the entry thread and the story of the hunt in the bowhunting room soon.  Got to unpack, etc. right now.  Just wanted to let y'all know we're on the board.

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Well, the good luck didn't rub off on me.


Sunday, I drew back on a 140ish 10 point and pulled my string off my bow.  It was a combination of being in an awkward drawing position(hunting out of a saddle) and having tendinitis in my right elbow.  Needless to say, it was one of my worst hunting experiences ever.

I took my bow to the shop and I'm looking at two weeks before I can get a new string and stirrups.

In the meantime, I purchased a cheap crossbow.  Right now, with my elbow, I can't shoot enough to sight a new bow in, so crossbow it is.

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Bummer about your bow MCH...especially with it happened at the moment of truth.  Hope you get a 2nd chance at him with the crossbow.  I have similar issues practicing due to tendonitis in my left forearm.  I can't shoot more than about a dozen arrows before I need to quit.  After that my forearm gets too sore to shoot accurately.  Sucks to get old!

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Mine is my right elbow.  It's pretty bad.  It will wake me up at night when I let it sit in an awkward position too long.  Shot 3 times last week and paid for it all next day.


Guess I'm gonna have to break down and go to the doctor.


Hunted yesterday morning and didn't see a deer.  Headed back out this morning.  Feels like 38 degrees so maybe the deer will be on their feet.

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I hunted Friday and Saturday afternoon here in Mississippi.  Zip Friday...a doe and a fawn Saturday.  Needless to say it was real slow.  It appears the tropical storm from 8 days ago blew a lot of acorns out of the trees so the deer have plenty of mast available in cover right now.  At least it was cool enough to enjoy relaxing in a treestand.

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Hope you have more fun days like that one coming up MH.  Still slow here in MS.  They are just starting to scrape in MS.  I'm headed back to Missouri tomorrow to help my buddy and his brother.  Since I killed my 1st MO buck, I can't fill my next MO buck tag until the opening of their gun season (11/14).  I may be there for the next 2 weeks or so.

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Got it done this afternoon in Maine, 1st deer taken off our property up here! Not a whole lot to the story, went out for an afternoon hunt with my dad, he decided to do a ground sit, I brought my climbing stand with me and chose to sit in a new location I've never sat before. Got in stand around 2:00, and just before 3 I could hear something off to my right heading out toward a clearing I was sitting on, he was slowly making his way right toward me, just a slow meander looking ahead every few seconds, he continued to come and ended up offering about a 25 yard shot and he dropped where he stood. Not a monster, but one I'm proud of and nice to break the ice up here. 



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Got back from Missouri late yesterday from my 2 week road trip.  Catching up on chores at the home so this will be short.  I didn't fill my gun season tag or either one of my 2 archery turkey tags.  The best buck I saw was before the gun season opened...a big wide 8 while I was archery hunting for gobblers.  During the gun season the best buck I saw was a mature 9 point but I was hunting 1 of 2 bucks I had on cams better than him.  Like the old saying goes...with 1 buck tag, you can't kill a big one if you kill a smaller first.  My buddy bagged his target buck during the gun season with 2 hours left on his last afternoon hunt...13 points over 1".  I posted a trail cam pic of that buck on the 1st page.  Gross score is 165 even.  In addition to that buck, he bagged a 142" 10 point 2 days before the gun season opened.  He also stuck a big gobbler with a 11 1/2" beard 3 days before the gun season opened.  He had a great hunt!  I'll add pics, etc. later after I catch up at home, edit trial cam pics, etc.

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