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Ravin R10 man

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Got sent out on Line 3 with NCI.,as an Operator. I get to shuttle mats (5 in a bundle), to the wetlands and drop them in front of the Hoe to set. Then on way back grab wood and drop at processor, (which my buddy is running when we are doing timber sales here), we are bunking together at motel. I'm Running a NEW J.D. 748 Grapple That machine is SWEET!  Easy and FUN to run. News article and a map of project I found. below.


found a vid on exact model, did not see him show seat turn to face the grapple, no more sore neck! also easy to back up to hoe to drop bundles. or pick them up.


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First thing is the article about the project and the divide it is generating.  There is a parallel to the differences in the thought process dividing this county.  Protests, often accompanied by vandalism and violence along with the inevitable lawsuits are major factors in the increase of cost and the wasting of resources.  Yes, we need to consider the consequences of our actions, but throwing out scientific data based on emotional beliefs is not practical.  Reminds me of the logging projects here as almost all of them become entangled in lawsuits.

Second thing is the skidder, which is pretty sweet.  Having friends who own a logging company, I am somewhat amazed when it comes to the cost of equipment.  Just the cost of replacing a tire can set you back several thousand dollars.

Looks like you have a good, enjoyable job.

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Pretty cool Martin, although it doesn't look too easy! Reminds me of being a kid and using video game controllers to do special moves, A, B, B, A, CC Left Right, lol.

I been watching videos on JD 1 and 2 series tractors as I see that in my future and find it fascinating the amount of equipment made and all their special uses and implements. 

Good luck, be safe.

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People protest because their lives have no meaning. There are professional protesters who have been to all the big events from Occupy Wall Street to all the major leftist protests we've seen by antifa and blm. If these protests were military operations these professional protesters would have a chest full of ribbons for their efforts.

I bet soon some of the leftist run colleges and universities will offer degrees in protesting.

I think if I was the dictator of all the world I would take the names of these dirt bags and make them all pay 5 times the normal prices for gas, electricity, food, clothing and other essential needs so they learn what the effects of their shenanigans are.

Edited by Ultradog
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/6/2020 at 8:23 PM, elkoholic said:

comes to the cost of equipment. 


360K for the one Im running

We have  cleared and set nearly 6 miles of mats.

Have had protestors on the site, or at road.  One gal accused us of cutting and stealing,  "all our OAK trees" We were along a cedar/hemloc swamp. some hardwood mixed in. ALL the wood is being "GIVIN to the the Reservation for firewood or they can sell it."

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got 3 weeks in now, I stayed over last w.e. at motel...did laundry in house, and super One (grocery)is half a block away, an Aldis is also closer. Perkins across the parking lot. A man was killed in an accident on Fri. near Floodwood.  Our crew has had zero safety incidents thus far. Great guys to work with. Not found one yet that rubbed me the wrong way. 

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  On 12/7/2020 at 11:59 AM, Ultradog said:

People protest because their lives have no meaning. There are professional protesters who have been to all the big events from Occupy Wall Street to all the major leftist protests we've seen by antifa and blm. If these protests were military operations these professional protesters would have a chest full of ribbons for their efforts.

I bet soon some of the leftist run colleges and universities will offer degrees in protesting.


Sad reality in the destruction of this country and a large role in the state of societal decline.

My opinion is that there is a motive behind many of these "movements" that involves the destruction or submission of all white men.  No end to it in sight either. Just wonder how some of these geniuses can say what they say, to influence the weak minded, without understanding the divide they are creating and how they are damning themselves.

Sounds like a cool machine Martin.  Would definitely be nice to have a climate controlled cab.

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4 weeks done and so far everything is going great!...Monday week 5 begins.  Had Fri., new years day off. Did not go home, we had to work today Sat.  I watched more westerns!  Gun Smoke, Virginian, Palidin, Wagon Train....funny thing, my buddy I work with and is rooming with me, loves them too!!  Life Is Good..

Happy New Year!

Edited by Mathews XT Man
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There is nothing like enjoying a cup of coffee while looking out the window at a frozen landscape, knowing you don't have to go out and work in it.  Although I am sure the workers laid off by the shut down of the Keystone project would prefer to still be working.  Hopefully the Enbridge project does not get stopped also.

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Line 3 will not be shut down. They have all the permits in place and it is a REPLACEMENT Project, not  a NEW Line. ( I was told this by an Enbridge HIGH-UP), that was driving down the line one day. I got out and spoke with him, thinking he was a landowner out taking photos etc.    Plus a Judge just threw out the lawsuits recently against building it.

Now Keystone was on a Presidential Order, which can be reversed, and unfortunately it was.

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