Being Bored???


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I was wondering something if anyone is like me. When I'm so bored at home I will search for my favorite show when I'm bored. This show is watched very much by me. But when I'm bored I watch it all the time. It's the World's Wildest Police Videos.

Anyone got a show they watch while being bored???

Dont know why I decided to talk about it, but please roll with it. grin.gif

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Re: Being Bored???

World Series of Poker!

I also have a bunch of videotaped Nebraska Football games from the 94-99 seasons I watch when really bored. Those games from 94-97 really make me long for the days of Tommie Frazier and Scott Frost and 3 National Championships in 4 years. Ah well, they'll be good again... someday.

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