Oh Yeah...Im 18 Baby!


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Ah Man, it feels good to be 18!

I can Finally Get into clubs.....legally

I can Buy lotto tickets, Cigarettes (but who wants to), and other "unmentionables" as well.

Speaking of Clubs.......ill be on these here forums alot less, im going clubbing!

Thursday (with my friends)

Friday (with my friends)

Saturday (with my HOT 23 year old neighbor!!) ooo.gifgrin.gif

Ah Yes....

I celebrated turning 18 in Krogers, with my friends sitting on a blanket, reading Maxims, Sports Illustrated, Deer and Deer Hunting, and Eating Krogers food, and alot of Slim Jims, All without the managers not knowing...Boy, its great.

(BTW, I paid for the food, i just had the empty wrappers to show them)

Ill post some pics...its hillarious

Ill finally get to show some of my moves on and off the floor in the club! Yeah Boi!!

Boy, it feels so good. grin.gif

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Re: Oh Yeah...Im 18 Baby!

LOL! Happy Birthday man!! cool.gif

18 is always the big one in my area of Ontario because we are so close to Quebec, (i can see Quebec from my house grin.gif) and legal drinking age is 18 there, here in Ontario its 19, so they all go over there and go to the bars grin.gif i can honestly say that i have never been over to a bar in Quebec yet, and i turned 18 in December grin.gif #18 is an exciting one for sure, but along with that comes more responsibility, trust me! and ya cant forget that you can get in a lot more trouble now, and the punishment is a lot worse when you are 18!

Have a good day man, sounds like you are off to a good start already! cool.gif

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